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Pictures and Video

I. Pictures of Lynnwood Farnam
II. Pictures of Farnam's Bust
III. Society Activities

I. Pictures of Lynnwood Farnam

Farnam early in his career
Photo: Le Canada Musical (Sep. 1918)

Farnam in 1925
Photo: The American Organist 19 (Nov. 1985)

Farnam (R) and Marcel Dupré (L)
Photo: Farnam Colletion, Curtis Institute of Music

Farnam practicing
Photo: Farnam Collection, Curtis Institute of Music

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II. Pictures of Farnam's Bust

Grabbing a bite to eat at the drive through
Photos: C. Scott Tresham

At one of the "establishments" lining Montreal's notorious Saint-Jacques Street West
Photos: C. Scott Tresham

Skipping town, across the Jacques-Cartier bridge!
Photo: C. Scott Tresham

Relaxing with the Montreal Anglican
Photo: Peter Butler

On its glorious new plynth, Jul. 2001
Photo: Jennifer Loveless

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III. Society Activities

The LFS maintains, at all times, an inventory of two copies of the complete organ work of Lynnwood Farnam
Photo: Peter Butler

At the LFS 50th anniversary world convention, Aug. 1981. LFS members (from L): Peter Butler, C. Scott Tresham, Jennifer Loveless, Jonathan Oldengarm
Photos: David Ward

LFS member Samuel Leopold Tam performs an interpretive break dance in commemoration of the centenary of Farnam's birth, Jan. 1985
Photos: Jonathan Oldengarm
(Video clip of this event not yet available)

Newlywed LFS members Jonathan Oldengarm and Naomi Struik were thrilled to receive their complimentary T-shirts and coffee mugs...

...until they realized they were being hand delivered by one of the co-founders of the LFS!
Photo: Caroline Sinclair

LFS members John Grew (L) and Donald McLean (R) unveil the bust's glorious new plynth at McGill University's Pollack Hall, Jul. 2001
Photos: Jennifer Loveless
(Video clip of this event not yet available)

LFS Members (from L): Chapter III Regional Co-Chairperson Michael Bumsted, Sara Chalk, Cynthia Hawkins, Chairperson Patrick Wedd, Latinist Peter Hawkins. Arundel, QC, Aug. 2001. Notice the stylish LFS T-shirts!
Photo: Andrew Vivian

Honorary President John Grew inducts Marie-Claire Alain as the Honorary Patron of the LFS, Nov. 2001
Photos: Peter Butler

LFS Patron Search Subcommittee members (from L) Philippe Bélanger, Joan Ivory, John Grew, Kevin Komisaruk sing "Unfurl the Temperance Banner." Westmount, QC, Nov. 2001
Photo: Peter Butler

LFS Mascot "Dimbleby" in normal times...

... and during a performance of Farnam's Toccata on "O Filii et Filiae".
Photos: Peter Butler

The LFS Executive Council at its 2001 Christmas Party, before and after singing "Unfurl the Temperance Banner." From L in left-hand picture: Jonathan Oldengarm, Jennifer Loveless, Catherine Butler, Peter Butler, bust of Lynnwood Farnam, C. Scott Tresham, Patrick Wedd, John Grew
Photos: Naomi Struik

The first issue of The Filibuster met with rave reviews
Photo: Peter Butler

Mar. 2002: LFS member Philippe Bélanger opens up the bust to investigate rumours that Farnam memorabilia had been hidden inside it
Photo: Melanie Tonks

"March" and "December" from the upcoming 2003 Women of the Lynnwood Farnam Society wall calendar
Photos: Melanie Tonks, Philippe Bélanger

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