Traditional Homeopathy

International Accredited Homoeopathic Training

F. Joan Macdonald, PGHom(UK), CCH(NA), RSHom(NA)

Classical, Certified, Registered

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


Information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical or legal advice. While the author believes information to be accurate, she makes no claims as to its accuracy and readers encouraged to make independent inquires.


International Homoeopathy

Samuel Hahnemann

Classical Homoeopathy - Natural, Complete System of Medicine.

Many generations of Family Homoeopaths

Classical Homoeopathy - All Stages and Ages of Life - from the Very Young to the Very Elderly

Families internationally - very knowledgeable when working with a Family Homoeopath

Acute, Home care -- Have their homeopath's list of acute, first-aid remedies for minor, acute conditions

Chronic Conditions -- Recognize those serious or recurring conditions needing aid of the family homoeopath

Serious Conditions -- Recognize when requiring medical attention, at hospital, emergency aid

Families consult their Family Homoeopath by telephone, email, live-video chat.

Homoeopathy takes into consideration:

  • Physical Energy
  • Mental Energy
  • Appetite
  • Sleep
  • Vitality
  • Stamina

Homoeopathy is a Natural, Complete System of Medicine, which takes into account YOUR symptoms and thoughts. Homoeopathy is a personal system designed for YOU.

Perhaps these flyers below will have helpful information, are being placed in public areas:

United Kingdom



Classical homoeopathic Practitioners' evaluation guidelines [Miasmatic Prescribing. Dr. S.K. Banerjea BHMS(India). pg 5]:

  • A quantum jump in the sense of well being
  • Improved energy
  • Increased appetite
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Harmony and tranquility of temperament
  • Stability (in obese people) or weight gain in under weight subjects
  • Clariey of the existing or presenting symptoms or even lighter symptoms
  • Suppressed symptoms (even of years ago) reappear on the surface and are permanently eradicated. This reappearance can be in a very transient form, which may not even be visible to the naked eye.
F. Joan Macdonald, PGHom(UK), CCH(NA), RSHom(NA)
Certified, Registered, Classical Homoeopath

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Homoeopathy is a scientific therapeutic

Ref: Encyclopedia of Remedy Relationships in Homeopathy. Introduction. Dr P. S. Krishnamurty, Hyderbad, India

It is a fallacy and blissful ignorance according to homoeopathic scientific therapeutics, to use indiscrimately homoeopathic drugs in the treatment of a patient without an expert knowledge of drug relationship. One cannot attain Hahnemannian cure of a disease syndrome in a patient in acute diseases, in chronic diseases or in epidemic diseases. The process of treatment becomes suppressive if one does not follow the rules of drug relationship.