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©1996-2014 by
Michael Star, AstrologerAbout the Articles
Horoscope: your place in Time and Space.
Astrology: how to understand your horoscope.Index: | Free Weekly Horoscopes | Free Yearly Horoscopes | Psychic Stars Daily Oracle | Love Lady advice column | NEW Articles | Free Daily Horoscopes | Astrology Articles | Tarot Articles | Numerology Articles | Crystals Articles | Graphology Articles | Horoscope Humor | Astrology Sign Series | Teach-Yourself Astrology-Tarot- Numerology | Astrology FAQ: Kelly's Questions | FAQ: Astrology-Tarot-Numerology | Cupid and Compatibility | Personal Horoscopes | Vocational Astrology | Romance Astrology | Predictive Astrology | Karmic Astrology | Mundane Astrology | Books and Reviews | Astrology Toronto ATI lecture schedule | Toronto Astrology Events and Astrologers | Horrorscope for 1998 | What Readers Wrote | Princess Diana and Mother Teresa | Clinton and Lewinsky | Frank Sinatra | What Attracts Women | What Attracts Men | Love Quotations | The Love Planets | Pluto | Taurus | Karma and Reincarnation | Wit | Web Wizardry | Welcome | Hot-Links | Gift Ideas | About STAR SIGNS | About Michael Star | CONTACT Michael | Horoscope Readings by Email | ORDER-FORM | HOME | Quick Site Index |
What's NEW This Week
Click on Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, or Crystals, or Graphology section to see new articles listed first. Free Weekly Horoscopes are listed below.
Astrology Article: What Is Venus in Astrology?
by Michael StarMichael adds this seductive Planet to his series of "What Is...?" articles that satisfy your burning desire to relate to Astrology on an intimate basis. So, what does the planet Venus mean when interpreting your birth chart?
Astrology Article: What Is A Birth Chart?
by Michael StarMichael adds two new pages to his series of "What Is...?" articles that answer your questions about astrological terms, such as What Is A Birth Chart? and What Is A Planet?.
Astrology: Free Yearly Horoscopes for all 12 Signs
by Michael StarMichael has updated the Free Yearl Forecasts to start January 1st - one for each of the 12 zodiac signs. Read the Yearly Horoscope forecast for your Sun Sign, and also for your Rising Sign (the Sign on the Ascendant) too, to get a more complete picture.
Article: Musings on Success
by Michael StarTwo new "Michael's Musings" pages about Seeking Success and Sabotaging Success. We often do both at the same time, which is the real reason we often fail to find success.
Article: Musings on Intimacy
by Michael StarTwo new "Michael's Musings" essays about Intimacy and Fear. Real intimacy is the natural outcome of revealing the Truth about yourself. Fear is what keeps us separate and alone.
Astrology Article: What Is the Effect of Leap Year on my Horoscope?
by Michael StarEvery four years, we add an extra day to the month of February to bring our slightly inaccurate 365-day human calendar back into line with reality - the Earth's actual revolution around the Sun in 365.25 days. For the 25% of the population who were born in a Leap Year, Michael comments in another short "What Is...?" article about the effect of a Leap Year on your horoscope. Click here if you ever wondered: What If I Was Born in a Leap Year? And if you think you were "born on a cusp", you will find something about that here too.
Astrology Article: What Is A House?
by Michael StarMichael adds 14 new pages to his series of short "What Is...?" articles that answer your questions about astrological terms such as What Is A House? and What Is A House Cusp?. To learn what things are associated with each of the 12 Houses, click here:
First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth | Ninth | Tenth | Eleventh | Twelfth Read Michael's comments on: How accurate are Sun Sign horoscopes? and What is my Fate?Astrology Article: Flirting by Sign
by Michael StarThe Sign occupied by Venus in your horoscope shows your personal strategies for attracting love and affection, as well as any object of your desire. See how you and the people in your life are "flirting with Venus" - unconsciously shifting into "flirt mode" when in the presence of the oppposite sex, or when they "act to attract" something they desire. Seventeen new pages. (If you don't know your Venus Sign, you can read this using your Sun Sign instead, and it will still be somewhat true for you.)
Crystals Column: Ask Karen About Crystals
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan answers readers' questions about how to wear and care for crystals and how to use crystals to heal and help. Selected responses are posted to the column weekly. Write to Karen at
Article: Usama bin Laden Birth Data
by Michael StarBy knowing the birth date and birth place of Saudi-born terrorist leader Usama bin Laden (a.k.a. Osama bin Laden), any interested amateur or professional astrologer can cast his birth horoscope and see what might have motivated this charismatic man to become the most infamous terrorist in the modern world. No exact birth time is known, so you may have to use a "solar chart" method and assume the time of birth is at noon or at sunrise. Click here to see bin Laden's Sun Sign and other information about his birth horoscope.
Article: The Tower Card - Revelation & Re-Evaluation
by Michael StarThe image on The Tower card XVI of the Tarot is eerily similar to the shocking image the world saw on live television October 11, 2001 - a tower in flames and people falling to the ground. See a picture of The Tower Card and Michael's comments on how the meanings of this ancient Tarot card could apply to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center towers - and its possible significance for Americans and the world as a whole.
Celebrity Horoscope: George Bush Weekly Horoscope
An astrological forecast similar to the Free Weekly Horoscopes by Michael Star - but this one is done for U.S. President W. George Bush using his exact time and place of birth. In ancient times the horoscope of a nation's leader was used to predict events concerning the whole nation. This page will now be updated weekly on Mondays.
Article: Love Quotes - August 2001
by Michael StarMichael has compiled a listing of quotations dealing with The Nature of Love, which originally appeared in his "Mini-Musings" section on the Free Daily Horoscopes page in August 2001. (Also see: January | February | March | May | June | Quotations on Love 2000)
Astrology Article: You Are More Than Your Sun Sign
by Michael StarWhile "Sun Signs" are popular in newspaper horoscope columns and beginners' books on Astrology, Michael explains how you are much more than your Sun Sign alone. You have the Moon and eight Planets in your birth horoscope, and they might be in different Signs than your Sun. And you actually "appear" to be more like your "Ascendant Sign" than your Sun Sign.
Article: Truth Needs No Defending
by Michael StarA new "Michael's Musings" essay about Truth and Illusion. What we feel we must defend is likely something we doubt is true. Illusions require constant "evidence" to maintain the false belief they are true.
Article: What Do Skeptics Say About Astrology?
by Michael StarMichael answers to some common complaints which skeptics of Astrology use to prove their contention that Astrology is "bunk", starting with: "Horoscope readings are so general that they could apply to anyone." Learn why this is not true when real astrologers do real horoscope readings for real people.
Karmic Astrology: What Is Karma?
by Michael StarMichael's view on Karma, plus related pages: Choice & Consequences | Clearing Karma
Romance Astrology: What Is Sign Compatibility?
by Michael StarMichael has started a new series of short "What Is...?" articles that answer your questions about compatibility in romantic relationships. Please read them in this order:
What Is Sign Compatibility? | What Are Compatible Signs? | What Is My Opposite Sign? | What Are Difficult Signs? | What Is My Love Match?
These are written to apply to Sun Signs but also apply to the Signs the Moon or any personal Planet occupy in your birth horoscope. For a more complete analysis of the many factors involved in relationship astrology, see Michael's Compatibility Analysis reading.Article: Love Without Fear
by Michael StarAnother article suited to Valentine' Day. Michael writes about giving and receiving Love, and knowing the difference between selfish love that hurts our chance of being loved, and selfless Love that heals our sense of separation and lets love come to us. One of the "New Age" crystals, Pink Kunzite, can help overcome the fears that keep us from fully experiencing Love.
Article: Quotations on Love 2001
by Michael StarIn honor of Valentines Day, Michael has compiled a listing of quotations dealing with The Nature of Love, Romantic Relationships, and Love Relationships, which originally appeared in his "Mini-Musings" section on the Free Daily Horoscopes page in 2000 and 2001. (Also see: Quotations on Love 2000)
Astrology Readings: Romance Secrets
by Michael StarMichael has written a new series of short pages that describe the types of interesting and insightful personal horoscope readings he can send you by email. They are created by Michael himself, are written in plain English not "astrologese", and are unlike any other readings you may see on the Net. They are based on your unique birth data and birth chart, and focus on various specific topics such as:
Romance Secrets and Aspects of Love and Relating Secrets and Seduction Secrets and Psyche Secrets. These descriptive pages contain links to actual sample readings so you can see exactly what kind of information and insights you could find in your own personal horoscope reading. Check out the special collection price of US $15 for all five - including a free birth chart (astrologers call this a "Natal Horoscope").Astrology Article: What Is My Sign?
by Michael StarMichael has started a new series of short "What Is...?" articles that answer your questions about astrological terms such as What Is A Horoscope? and What Is My Sign? and What Is My Sun Sign? and What Is My Rising Sign? and What Is A Sign Cusp? and What Sign Is My Rising Sign? and Table of Rising Signs and What Are Star Signs? If you thought Astrology was just about a list of dates and traits for "my sign" you may be surprised to learn what a "Sign" really means. Read Michael's comments on: How accurate are Sun Sign horoscopes? and What is my Fate?
Crystals Article: Crystals for the Zodiac Signs
by Diane VandeveldDiane suggests certain types of easily obtained crystals which can be used to help with love, luck, success, health, or protection this year for people having a particular Sun Sign.
Astrology Article: Selecting An Astrologer
by Richard BrownAn article on choosing the right Astrologer to act as your personal consultant, written by a professional Astrologer.
Astrology Article: The Age of Taurus 4
by Michael StarIn Part 4 of "Taurus Teaching Tips", Taurean Michael Star discusses the astronomical "Age of Taurus", how "Precession of the Equinoxes" creates an Age and how it is determined, why Constellations and Signs are not the same, and why the coming "Age of Aquarius" is a little uncomfortable for Taurus types.
Article: What Attracts Men?
by Michael StarMichael has revised and expanded his article on What Attracts Men by creating new pages for each of the Moon (or Venus) Signs. If you don't know the Moon or Venus Sign, read the one for the Sun Sign... Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces.
Article: Life Quotes 1999
by Michael StarMichael has compiled a listing of quotations dealing with Life and Living which originally appeared in his "Mini-Musings" section on the Free Daily Horoscopes page during 1999.
Article: What Attracts Women?
by Michael StarMichael has revised and expanded his article on What Attracts Women by creating new pages for each of the Sun (or Mars) Signs... Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces.
Crystals Article: Healing Crystals for Pets and Animals
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan explains how fifteen different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in healing animals and pets.
Graphology Article: Graphology and Compatibility
by Peter Dennis, GraphologistPeter Dennis explains how handwriting analysis can reveal the potential for compatibility in a romantic relationship. How strokes and slants show something about similar styles or different demeanours.
Michael's Musings: 1997 Archives
by Michael StarClick here to see some more Michael's Musings Archives from 1997. Click here for a discussion of Karma in the Archives for 1998.
Astrology Article: Sagittarius Shopping
Michael Star describes some traits and interests of the Sign of Sagittarius type (those with Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or several Planets in Sagittarius) and lists places to shop for items of interest.
Also see new pages for: Aries Shopping | Gemini Shopping | Cancer Shopping | Leo Shopping | Virgo Shopping | Libra Shopping | Scorpio Shopping | Sagittarius Shopping | Capricorn Shopping | Aquarius Shopping | Pisces Shopping.New Feature: "The Psychic Stars" Daily Oracle
by Michael StarWith a click of the mouse on the star you choose, receive a message which tells you a truth about something you need to focus on today. Divination actually means "to get in touch with the Divine", and this is one way for you to connect to the wisdom of your Higher Mind, which is more connected to that higher Source which is known by many names. Try it once a day and see what's really on your mind!
Column Archives: Michael's Musings, June 1-30
by Michael StarSee the last Michael's Musings column. To see ones you missed, visit the new Archives for June 1999.
Astrology Article: Signs and Symbols
by Michael StarThe meaning of signs and symbols, and the difference between them.
New additions to: Bill Clinton's Weekly Horoscope
An astrological forecast similar to the Free Weekly Horoscopes by Michael Star - but this one is done for U.S. President Bill Clinton using his exact time and place of birth. Michael has added new material to the introduction, and some comments about Bill Clinton's personal horoscope which explains his strategies for dealing with conflicts like those in Iraq and Kosovo. This page will now be updated weekly on Mondays.
Astrology Article: Eclipses and The New Millennium
by Celeste TealAstrologer Celeste Teal presents a comparative study of the effects of Solar Eclipses for 1999, with references to the U.S. chart, 1962 events, and other times in history. There are ramifications concerning the Y2K bug, viruses, the Kosovo Crisis, President Clinton, women in office, and other current issues.
Tarot Article: The Chariot Card VII
by Maggie CalderMaggie explains the meaning of The Chariot card VII, which she calls "expressing the greatness within". She is a Tarot reader and palm reader from San Francisco, now living near Toronto, Canada. Watch for more in this new series of Tarot articles by Maggie.
Crystals Showcase: Lovely Pieces & Low Prices
Mike at The Crystal Ball Inc. has put together a showcase of beautiful natural crystal pendants and rings, plus some other popular products which might be of interest to Astrology Zine visitors.
Crystals Article: Crystals and Gemstones
Michael Star explains the basics of crystals in terms of mineralogy, and the difference between stones and rocks, with many examples and several photos. Did you know that most of your body is composed of crystalline substances?
Celebrity Horoscope: Monica Lewinsky's Romance Horoscope
by Michael StarWhen Michael heard that Monica Lewinsky's interview with Barbara Walters would be aired on the ABC television network at 8:00 PM EST on March 3 1999, he decided to publish his romance horoscope readings for Monica to see what it would reveal in advance about her character and personality and style. See for yourself what Monica's birth horoscope predicts, and compare it to your own view of her when you see her being interviewed voluntarily on television.
FAQ Series: Astrology FAQ 3
Michael clears up the "Cusp" confusion in this new FAQ page on Signs and Cusps. If you're reading the daily or weekly horoscope columns, and your birthday is near one of the dates in the table of Signs, you need to read this... because you might be reading the wrong Sign!
Astrology Article: Taurus Treats and Sensual Shopping
UPDATED. Taurus astrologer Michael Star describes the Taurus type, and places to shop for their sensual pleasures - where they can self-indulge, or friends can find gifts for Taurus types. Taurus loves pleasure and comfort, and to find such sensual pleasures at a bargain is bliss! See some more Taurus teaching tips, and suggested links for on-line ordering of gourmet foods, fashions, fragrances, music, and art items. And a little about cigars and Moon-in-Taurus Monica too.
Astrology Article: Mercury Mind-Games
Michael Star talks of the contradictory qualities of the planet known in his various guises as The Trickster, The Patron Saint of Thieves, The Messenger, Mecurius, and Hermes. Confessions and cons, qualities and quirks, metaphors and mind-games - you'll find them all here. Of special interest to Gemini and Virgo types.
Daily Feature: Free Daily Horoscopes for all Star Signs
Michael Star is now presenting daily forecasts based on your Solar Horoscope Chart. Read one for your Sun Sign and one for your Ascendant Sign.
Astrology Article: Astrology in the Christian Bible
by Michael StarSome Christians have been taught that the practice of Astrology is akin to the ancient pagan practice of peering into the entrails of disemboweled fowl or sheep to see signs of the future. Those who condemn Astrology seem to have missed the very clear statement about reading "signs" in the heavens which appears on the first page of their Bible. Michael explains the real meaning of the word "stars" as used in the Bible, and how "the Star of Bethlehem" was likely an actual astrological "conjunction" of two giant planets in the Sign of Pisces - which was interpreted by some wise astrologers (the Magi) as a "sign" of the birth of the Hebrew Messiah who came to be called Jesus Christ. See more signs of Astrology in the Christian Bible when you read Michael's commentary.
Celebrity Horoscope: Monica Lewinsky's Karma Horoscope
by Michael StarWhen Michael heard President Clinton's taped testimony aired on television on October 14 1998, he became curious about Clinton's statment that Monica would be compelled by her psychological nature to reveal their sexual affair to someone. So he did a karma horoscope for Monica to see what it would reveal about the motivations in her psyche. See for yourself what leads Monica to make the choices that lead to the consequences she experiences.
New Feature: Bill Clinton's Weekly Horoscope
An astrological forecast similar to the Free Weekly Horoscopes by Michael Star - but this one is done for U.S. President Bill Clinton using his exact time and place of birth. Includes some questions a Canadian observer of the Clinton scandal raises for your consideration.
Celebrity Horoscope: Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky
by Michael StarMichael finally publishes a full-length sample of his unique "Cupid Compatibility Horoscope" and "Mating Rating" - and chooses the most documented and well-known relationship in the world today as its subject. Now you can check for yourself how well it works to accurately analyze an existing or past romantic relationship - or predict a potential one. Given the nature of the Clinton-Lewinsky relationship, you may find some unintentional "double meanings" in the reading that are rather amusing. Some would have been eerily prophetic if the reading had been done before the revelation of the secret affair.
Crystals article: Ten Healing Crystals for Children
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan explains how ten different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in healing children's issues.
Astrology article: What Attracts Men?
by Michael StarMichael explains how a man's favorite types of women are indicated by the Signs the Moon and Venus occupy in his own birth horoscope. If you're a man who doesn't know his Venus Sign, you can pick the Sign description that matches your type of ideal woman, and then when you find out your true Venus Sign you can see if it matches the Sign you chose.
FAQ Series: Astrology FAQ 2
Michael explains how the time of birth affects the horoscope, how a horoscope is done when the real time is not known, and the difference between a horoscope chart and a horoscope reading.
Astrology article: What Attracts Women?
by Michael StarMichael explains how a woman's favorite types of men are indicated by the Signs the Sun and Mars occupy in her own birth horoscope. If you're a woman who doesn't know her Mars Sign, you can pick the Sign that matches your type of man, and then when you find out your true Mars Sign you can see if it matches the Sign you chose.
Celebrity Horoscope: Frank Sinatra Horoscope
See what Michael's "Psyche Secrets", "Karmic Gifts and Lessons", "Success Secrets", and other horoscope readings say about the late Frank Sinatra. One said "You may have TOO many lovers." Birth chart included.
Astrology article: Aquarius and the Internet
by Michael StarThe Sign of Aquarius and the Internet have a lot in common, like these I-words - International, Inter-connectedness, Innovation, Insight, Idealism, Individualism - and more. "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius..."
Astrology Advice Column: "The Love Lady"
by Sue ArmitageA Weekly Advice Column on Love and Relationships
by an Astrological Counselor and Therapist. Each week our British astrological counselor answers some questions on Love and Relationships sent in by readers. New letters published on Mondays.Teach Yourself Tarot 4: Reading Reversed Tarot Cards
by Michael StarAn original technique for interpreting the meanings of reversed Tarot cards is explained in this latest addition to the "Teach Yourself Tarot" series. Michael calls it "THE DIS/MIS SYS" because he likes things that rhyme. You might like the system because it makes it easier to understand the meanings of the Tarot cards - and can also triple the "vocabulary" of the Tarot when compared to not reading reversed cards differently.
Teach Yourself Tarot 3: Reading the Tarot Cards
by Michael StarSteps in doing a Tarot card reading, using Michael's "Third I" method and "Babylon" ("Babble-on") style. Rituals, Shuffling, Selecting, Reading, Feedback, and Refining are explained in this latest addition to the "Teach Yourself Tarot" series.
New Section: Web Wizardry Tips, Tricks, Traps & Tools
by Michael StarWays to improve web surfing or web site development, and software that helps. First Web-Wiz column: getting your web pages listed in search engines, checking your relevancy rankings and monitoring your page's position in search results, submission services, thinking twice about "submit your web page to 200 search engines" offers, and warnings about solicitations that "guarantee" top positions.
Crystals Article: Ten Healing Crystals for Men
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan explains how ten different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in healing men's issues. Coming soon: Healing Crystals for Children.
Free Weekly Horoscope Forecasts:
Full-page weekly horoscope readings for all zodiac Signs. Read the one for your Sun Sign, and also the one for your Rising Sign (also called the Ascendant Sign) if you know it.
Not your usual Sun Sign horoscope column - a full page reading for each Sign. Learn how this horoscope reading is done, and how to use it, in The Solar Horoscope article.Weekly horoscope forecasts for all 12 zodiac Signs:
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Weekly Horoscopes are updated every Monday after 12:00 PM Noon, New York Time.
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | PiscesAbout the Free Weekly Forecast: How It's Done, How to Use It
How this Solar Horoscope Forecast is done, and how planets in transit indicate the timing of emotions and events in your life. Your Future is being created by your choices in the Present. Interpreting your horoscope helps you understand your choices - and the consequences of your choices. While typical newspaper "horoscopes" talk about events, these "Free Weekly Horoscope Forecasts" based on the movement of Planets through the Houses of your solar horoscope chart are designed to identify the "issues" that are coming up at this time in your life. Your personal choices in dealing with these issues are what actually create the events and experiences.Free Yearly Horoscope Forecasts:
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
You can get a free fractured forecast in a darkly humorous vein from the 1998 Horrorscope. Or just send a copy to your friends and enemies.
Horoscope Humor: "Horrorscope" for 1998
by Donna Lypchuk and John McKay-ClementsThe Old Doom-sayer's 1998 predictions for all 12 Signs - not a pretty picture. Based on ancient astrologogy, scathingly satirized and skewed into evil-eyed entertainment. A pernicious parody of the old school of "malefic" planetary prognostication, where stiffs such as Nasty Damn-us (Nostradamus) studied star-gazing and scare tactics. Sometimes we astrologers get too serious, so this satire by Canadian columnist Donna Lypchuk and Toronto astrologer John McKay-Clements lets us lighten up with a little "doom-and-gloom" in this fractured forecast. Beware! No Sign is spared a skewering here. Read at your own risk.
The Sign Series:
If you have any personal Planets in the Sign of Sagittarius or Taurus, whether or not it is your Sun Sign, the first articles in this new series will apply to some part of your personality. Learn about yourself or your friends with Planets in these Signs in their horoscope, and watch for the inside story on more Signs in this new series by professional astrologers who write about their own Sun Sign.
Astrology Article: Selecting An Astrologer
by Richard BrownAn article on choosing the right Astrologer to act as your personal consultant, written by a professional Astrologer.
Astrology Advice Column: "The Love Lady"
by Sue ArmitageA Weekly Advice Column on Love and Relationships
by an Astrological Counselor and Therapist. Each week our new astrological counselor will answer some questions on Love and Relationships sent in by readers. Updated on Mondays.Astrology Article: The Scoop on Sagittarius
by Celeste TealA Sun in Sagittarius astrologer and author from Phoenix, Arizona, Celeste Teal scribes the inside story on the Sign of Sagittarius, and confesses to a controlled but chronic case of The Centaur's "foot in mouth disease". See some sides of Sagittarius she calls "Happy-Go-Lucky", "The Wanderer", "The Sponge", and "The Teacher", and learn if Sagittarius is the marrying kind.
Astrology Article: The Truth About Taurus
by Sue ArmitageAn astrologer from London, England, and a Taurus herself, Sue Armitage turns Taurus inside out as she tells of traits and tendencies, misconceptions and mistresses, habits and hobbits. Yes, hobbits are apparently an archetype for Taurus, and now you can find out why they are (and what they are).
Astrology Article: Taurus Teaching Tips 2
by Michael StarAnother Taurus takes a turn at telling what makes Taurus tick. In this part Michael Star talks key words, sign strategies, "stuffing" stuff, and the Taurus temper (or apparent lack thereof). See why Taurus is so sensational.
Astrology Article: Taurus Teaching Tips 3
by Michael StarAre Taurus types lazy? Lazy like a fox. This part deals with "the pleasure principle", lasting values, and why "not losing is everything". See why a Taurus might think laziness is the father of invention.
Astrology Article: The Age of Taurus 4
by Michael StarPart 4 of "Taurus Teaching Tips", Taurean Michael Star discusses the astronomical "Age of Taurus", how "Precession of the Equinoxes" creates an Age and how it is determined, why Constellations and Signs are not the same, and why the coming "Age of Aquarius" is a little uncomfortable for Taurus types.
Romance Astrology
Also see Love Horoscopes Index.
Romance Astrology: Sign Compatibility?
by Michael StarMichael has written a new series of short "What Is...?" articles that answer your questions about compatibility in love relationships. Please read them in this order:
What Is Sign Compatibility? | What Are Compatible Signs? | What Is My Opposite Sign? | What Are Difficult Signs? | What Is My Love Match?
These are written to apply to Sun Signs but also apply to the Signs the Moon or any Planet occupy in your birth horoscope.Celebrity Horoscope: Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky
by Michael StarA detailed astrological compatibility analysis of a famous romantic relationship - Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's "Cupid Compatibility Horoscope". See Michael Star's innovative "Mating Rating" of the relationship potential on seven separate factors from "Infatuation" to "Fate". Maybe these star-crossed lovers had a stronger bond than their sensationalized sex life?
Astrology Article: What Attracts Women?
by Michael StarMichael explains how a woman's favorite types of men are indicated by the Signs the Sun and Mars occupy in her birth horoscope. If you're a woman who doesn't know her Mars Sign, you can pick the Sign that matches your type of man, and then when you find out your true Mars Sign you can see if it matches the Sign traits you chose.
Astrology Article: What Attracts Men?
by Michael StarMichael explains how a man's favorite types of women are indicated by the Signs the Moon and Venus occupy in his own birth horoscope. If you're a man who doesn't know his Venus Sign, you can pick the Sign description that matches your type of ideal woman, and then when you find out your true Venus Sign you can see if it matches the Sign you chose. If you don't know your Moon or Venus Sign, try reading the description for the Sign that matches your Sun Sign (though not as good an indicator for a man, it is still a factor).
Astrology Article: Attaining Love - Your Mars Sign
by Michael StarThe Sign occupied by Mars in your horoscope shows your personal strategies for actively attaining any person or thing you desire. See how you and people in your life "make it with Mars" when motivated by Desire - or driven by Lust.
(Your STAR MATES Experiment "Search Report" lists Venus and Mars Signs for YOU and your selected cyberspace soulmates.)
Romance Horoscopes: Get YOURS by email!
Romance Secrets, Relating Secrets, Seduction Secrets, Aspects of Love, and Lessons in Love are the titles of various full-page personal horoscope readings by Michael Star, which you can order on-line 24/7 and receive by email in 24 hours (48 hours for weekend orders). See what they say about these plain-English horoscope interpretations, which have enlightened and entertained thousands of satisfied clients, and see some actual samples of Michael's horoscope readings.
Astrology: The Cupid Myth - True Love? Or just Lust?
by Michael StarThe ancient Greek myth of Aphrodite's son, Eros, and his marriage to the mortal maiden, Psyche. See also how Michael's Cupid Compatibility Horoscope describes and rates the potential of a romantic relationship between two partners, using their birth data and the astrological technique called Synastry. To see how your compatibility horoscope reveals the attractions and reactions between you and a particular partner, you can order on-line and receive yours by email in 24 hours (48 hours for weekend orders). If you include exact birth times for you and your partner, you'll also get Michael's unique "Mating Rating" with your Compatibility Horoscope.
Astrology: The Mating Rating - Relationship Potential scored on 7 Factors
by Michael StarThe "Mating Rating" is Michael Star's unique invention, a detailed astrological analysis of an existing or potential relationship. It reports on seven separate Factors, scoring them as percentages (10%-99%) of the maximum potential: Initial Infatuation, Friendship, Rapport/Communication, Loyalty/Longevity, Fate/Karma, Difficulty/Differences, and Physical/Sexual.
This highly complex software is used to produce the Mating Rating page in Michael's "Cupid Compatibility Horoscope" and to compare and rank potential matches for friendship and/or romance in "The Star Mates Experiment". Moving far beyond mere "Sun Sign" compatibility, the Mating Rating software analyzes hundreds of separate astrological factors in comparing two person's birth horoscopes and how each Planet is placed in relation to the other's. Some of the factors analyzed include: the Ascendant, Midheaven, Moon's Nodes, Sun/Moon Midpoint, and aspects (and their orbs) between Planets and these points, plus the position of each person's Planets in the other person's horoscope Houses.
An interesting observation, after doing hundreds of Mating Rating comparisons, is that the Sun Sign compatibility between two partners is often of minor importance when many other positive factors indicate a high potential for overall compatibility. Some of the best-rated relationships happen to have the partner's Suns in Signs which are traditionally reported as the most difficult combinations, e.g. Aries/Cancer, Taurus/Leo, etc. When the partner's Suns are in Signs which are "square" (at a 90-degree angle) to each other, compromises are required to adjust to very different basic natures and goals, but this does not mean it is hopeless by any means - as those overly simplistic Sun Sign (or "star sign") compatibility charts might lead you to assume. (In relationships, the aspects between each partner's Moon and Venus to the other's Planets can be more influential than apects between their Suns, and a Sun/Moon conjunction is one of the best indicators of a happy marriage or fine friendship.)
Teach Yourself Astrology 1: The Love and Lust Planets
by Michael StarHow the planets Venus and Mars indicate Love and Lust in your horoscope chart. Get beyond those simplistic "Sun Sign" compatibility charts and see where the real action is...
Astrology Article: Horoscope Gift Ideas
by Michael StarAn astrological acrostic attempts to bring the best of nine signs to gift-giving. Hyperspace horoscopes are hypo-allergenic and individually tailored for a perfect fit...
Astrology Article: The Language of Astrology
by Wendy GuyTalking "Astrologese". Learning the lingo of Astrology as a second language...
Astrology Article: Predictive Astrology
by Celeste TealUsing Transits and Progressions in personal forecasting. Tips and techniques from the new Teal textbook.
Predictive Astrology, Part Two
Predictive Astrology, Part Three
See other astrology articles by Celeste Teal featured on the cover of Dell Horoscope magazine, APR 1998 issue ("Timing Events with the Moon's Nodes", p.35), the JAN 1998 issue ("Wealth and Financial Luck"), and the May 2007 issue, and also in the AUG 1997 issue. Also see the AUG 1997 issue of American Astrology magazine, page 36 ("Getting Along with Others").
And book-mark STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine to come back for another astrology article by Celeste based on her new astrology book on predictive techniques, to be published by Llewellyn in 1999.Astrology Article: Pluto Takes On Sagittarius 1
- Planetary Policeman on Patrol!
by Michael StarPredicting Pluto's Passage through Sagittarius. How Pluto changing Sign will change the world. It's not so bad, if you're "in the know" and "go with the flow"!
Astrology Article: Pluto Takes On Sagittarius 2
- Truth, Trust, Tests, and Trials!
by Michael StarRe-forming Astrology, alt.astrology, and religion. "The Truth will out". (OJ and the two famous Bills should read this.) World-wide transformations. What Pluto and Sagittarius really mean. A long list of key words. Surprising stuff about the Signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. For beginners and practising professional astrologers.
Astrology Article: Pluto in Sagittarius
- The Moral Path
by Wendy GuyThe PLUTO Process in psychological transformation.
Astrology Article: Princess Diana Horoscopes
by Michael StarSee a Tribute to Princess Diana and commentary, plus Princess Diana Horoscopes and Birth Chart by Michael Star, including a Horoscope Reading of Diana's Karma, and a Horoscope Forecast for the day before the fatal accident.
Astrology Article: An Astrologer's View
and Tribute to Princess Diana (Cancer)
and Mother Teresa (Virgo)
by Michael StarSee how these two great ladies demonstrated the best qualities of the Sun Sign in their horoscopes. They showed the world how to love those whom others could not love - and the world loved them for it.
Astrology FAQ Series:
Kelly's Questions about AstrologyMichael Star answers questions about Astrology from a Grade 8 student. Not just for kids - for adult education too...
#1: "How were the Signs made up?"
#2: "Why do the Signs have animal symbols?"
#3: "How did you get interested in Astrology?"
#4: "Are there any special talents or training needed to become an astrologer?"
#5: "Is Astrology a real science or did someone just make it up?"To learn more of the "basics for beginners" regarding real Astrology, see the FAQ Section and the Teach-Yourself Series on this page.
Astrology Gifts:
Horoscope Gift Ideas
by Michael StarThe astrological aspects of giving gifts of Astrology.
The Tarot
Tarot Article: The Chariot Card VII
by Maggie Calder.Maggie Calder explains the meaning of The Chariot card VII, which she calls "expressing the greatness within". Watch for more Tarot articles in this new series by Maggie.
Teach Yourself Tarot 4: Reading Reversed Tarot Cards
by Michael Star.An original technique for interpreting the meanings of reversed Tarot cards is explained in this latest addition to the "Teach Yourself Tarot" series. Michael calls it "THE DIS/MIS SYS" because he likes things that rhyme. You might like the system because it makes it easier to understand the meanings of the Tarot cards - and can also triple the "vocabulary" of the Tarot when compared to not reading reversed cards differently.
Teach Yourself Tarot 3: Reading the Tarot Cards
by Michael Star.Steps in doing a Tarot card reading, using Michael's "Third I" method and "Babylon" style. Rituals, Shuffling, Selecting, Reading, Feedback, and Refining are explained in this recent addition to the "Teach Yourself Tarot" series.
Tarot Article: The Tower Card XVI - Castle in the Sand
by Michael Star.A new slant on "The Tower" - the "divorce" card. Some "Constructive" meanings for the card of "Destruction", and its connection to the planet Mars. Lightning strikes, and illusions are shattered by sudden insights. The result: revelations and re-evaluations. See how to interpret the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot, using the images on the cards of the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
To learn more of the "basics for beginners" regarding the reading of Tarot cards, see the FAQ Section and the Teach-Yourself Series on this page.
Numerology Article: Your Destiny Number
by Michael StarHow to calculate it and how to interpret it. Print this page to paper, take it to work or school or a party, and figure out the Destiny Numbers for your friends! It's easy to learn Numerology and start using it in your life.
To learn more of the "basics for beginners" about Numerology, see the FAQ Section and the Teach-Yourself Series on this page. Learn how to reduce numbers as you calculate and interpret Your Destiny Number.
Crystals and Crystal Healing
Crystals Article: Crystals for the Zodiac Signs
by Diane VandeveldDiane suggests certain types of easily obtained crystals which can be used to help with love, luck, success, health, or protection this year for people having a particular Sun Sign.
Crystals Article: Healing Crystals for Pets and Animals
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan explains how fifteen different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in healing animals and pets.
Crystals Showcase: Lovely Pieces & Low Prices
Mike at The Crystal Ball Inc. has put together a showcase of beautiful natural crystal pendants and rings, plus some other popular products which might be of interest to Astrology Zine visitors.
Crystals Article: Crystals and Gemstones
by Michael StarMichael Star explains the basics of crystals in terms of mineralogy, and the difference between stones and rocks, with many examples and several photos. Did you know that most of your body is composed of micro-crystalline substances?
Crystals Article: Ten Healing Crystals for Children
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan explains how ten different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in healing children's issues.
Crystals Article: Ten Healing Crystals for Men
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan explains how ten different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in healing men's issues.
Crystals Article: Ten Healing Crystals for Stress
by Karen Ryan, Energy TherapistKaren Ryan explains how ten different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in dealing with and healing stress.
Crystals Article: Ten Healing Crystals for Women
by Karen RyanKaren Ryan explains how ten different types of easily obtained crystals can be used to help in healing women's issues.
Crystals Books: Michael Star's Crystals Book List
Michael lists reference books about crystals and crystal healing from his personal collection, some with ratings and recommendations. More titles from his collection will be added when they come out of hiding.
Crystals Article: The Three Steps to Crystal Healing
by Karen RyanKaren Ryan, a crystal energy therapist, explains the stages in Crystal Healing and offers some helpful hints about using crystals for healing.
Crystals Article: Crystals: Romancing the Stone
by Karen RyanKaren Ryan explains how twelve different types of crystals can be used to help in healing love and romance relationships. Did you know that gold is a crystalline substance?
Crystals Article: Crystals: The New Age Stones
by Michael StarRocks and stones may break your bones, but The New Age Stones can break your blocks to Love! Michael Star talks of the special healing energies of two crystals discovered in the New Age: Luvulite and Sugilite.
Crystals Article: How Crystals Work - Choosing a Crystal
by Michael McKnightCrystal shop owner and jeweler Michael McKnight of The Crystal Ball Inc. gives advice on "Choosing a Crystal" for healing. One of Mike's tips: match the color of the crystal to the color of the body's chakra you want to work with. Includes some photos of crystals and jewelry, and a link to Mike's on-line store and "crystal gallery".
Graphology - Handwriting Analysis
Graphology Article: Graphology and Compatibility
by Peter Dennis, GraphologistPeter Dennis explains how handwriting analysis can reveal the potential for compatibility in a romantic relationship. How strokes and slants show something about similar styles or different demeanours.
Readers Write:
What they say
about AstrologyZine, Michael Star, and their personal horoscope readings. Unsolicited comments from clients and visitors. Kudos ... or kicks? Your feedback is welcome.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on...
Astrology 1 | Astrology 2 | Astrology 3 | Tarot | Numerology
Beginners can learn the basics and get answers to those "Frequently Asked Questions". For more Astrology FAQs answered in detail by Michael Star, see the Astrology FAQ: Kelly's Questions series - not your typical Astrology FAQ file, as you shall see!
Reference Books on...
Astrology | Tarot | Numerology | Crystals | Karma
The Astrology Book List was updated with sections on:
Astrology Basics | Relationships | Karmic Astrology | Spiritual Astrology | Esoteric Astrology | Jungian Psychology | Predictive Astrology | Vocational Astrology | Special Subjects
Most of these reference books are from Michael Star's personal collection, and many are briefly reviewed and rated with one to three stars. Includes some recommendations for the best books for beginners.
Also see: Astrology Magazines
Horoscope Humor:
The 1998 "Horrorscope"
Predictions for all 12 Signs - not a pretty picture. Based on ancient astrologogy, scathingly satirized and skewed into evil-eyed entertainment. A pernicious parody of the old school of "malefic" planetary prognostication, where stiffs such as Nasty Damn-us studied star-gazing and scare tactics. Sometimes we astrologers get too serious, so this satire by Canadian columnist Donna Lypchuk and Toronto astrologer John McKay-Clements lets us lighten up with a little doom and gloom in this fractured forecast.
Secret Diary of an Astrology Student, Chapter 1
by Sue ArmitageA saucy, satirical series by a naughty neophyte in her British beginner's course.
See more in Chapter 2.
The "Teach Yourself" series
by Michael StarTeach Yourself Astrology 1:
The Love and Lust PlanetsTeach Yourself Astrology 2:
Meaning of Planets, Signs, HousesTeach Yourself Astrology 3:
The Astrological HousesTeach Yourself Astrology 4:
How The Astrological Houses Are CalculatedTeach Yourself Tarot 1:
The Horoscope House ReadingTeach Yourself Tarot 2:
The Tower Card XVITeach Yourself Tarot 3:
Reading the Tarot CardsTeach Yourself Tarot 4:
Reading Reversed Tarot CardsTeach Yourself Numerology 1:
Your Destiny or Life-Path Number
Personal Astrology:
Romance, Relationships, Compatibility, and Karma Readings
designed and written by Michael Star, Astrologer.See how Natal Astrology interprets your birth horoscope to analyze and explain your personality traits, psychological needs, and love style, how Synastry reveals your potential for compatibility or conflict in romantic relationships, and how Karmic Astrology helps you understand the gifts you carried into this life and the challenges and lessons you chose for yourself. New interpretations by Michael Star, unlike any you have seen before.
Karma and Reincarnation:
Karmic Astrology: What Is Karma?
by Michael StarKarma is not a punishment, but an opportunity to correct past mistakes. It is the natural consequence of our own past choices - and we can choose better next time. A karmic interpretation of your birth horoscope can give clues about your positive and negative past life karma and how it may be manifesting in your present incarnation.
Karma Book List
Karma Horoscopes: Karmic Gifts and Lessons
A karmic interpretation of the birth horoscope reveals the gifts and talents you were born with, as well as the issues and challenges you chose to help you learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime. Michael Star has designed a karmic horoscope reading which reveals your own unique set of karmic gifts and lessons.
Celebrity Horoscope: Monica Lewinsky's "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Horoscope.
Celebrity Horoscope: Madonna's "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Horoscope.
Celebrity Horoscope: Princess Diana's "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Horoscope.
"Karmic gifts are for giving. Are you giving your gift to the world?"
Vocational Astrology:
Career Counselor and Success Secrets Reading
designed and written by Michael Star, Astrologer.Your personal guide to finding "your life work", with suggested careers which could fulfill your personal desires. A four-page horoscope reading which can be ordered on-line and sent by email in 24 hours. Unlike any other vocational astrology reading, the "Career Counselor" suggests several very specific occupations which often include the ones you once dreamed of doing. Once it suggested "Jingle Writer" to a man who later confirmed he actually was a jingle writer. If you've been "down-sized" or are now determining the direction your career will take, this reading can help you decide on your heart's desire.
See how Vocational Astrology interprets your birth horoscope to reveal the Life Work you are drawn to, the fields that interest you, the careers that could fulfill you, and your strengths and weaknesses that are stepping stones or stumbling blocks on your stairway to success. Find fulfilling work, not just a job!
Mundane Astrology:
(World and National, Politics and Public Figures)The World This Week
NewsScope Horoscope column by Wolfstar, geo-political astrologer.
See how Mundane Astrology is used to forecast and analyze political issues and world events by interpreting the horoscopes of leaders, public figures, celebrities, countries, and corporations in relation to the present planetary pictures called "transits" and "progressions". Learn how the Asteroids, like Chiron, Ceres, Juno, and Pallas Athene, are used to make astrological predictions.
Weekly updates will no longer be available due to a sharp increase in the cost of providing this horoscope column each week, but the archives for JAN 01 to JUL 28 1997 will remain indefinitely as examples of the use of Mundane Astrology. See if Wolfstar's predictions panned out!
The World This Week astrology column Archives...
JUL 06 - JUL 28:
APR 21 - JUN 30:
JAN 06 - APR 14:
JAN 20: Inauguration Ceremonies * JonBenet Ramsey * Ennis Cosby *
See JonBenet's "Karmic Gifts", "Career", and "Psyche Secrets" Readings and Natal Chart
DEC 30: See Wolfstar's uncanny astrological comparison of MADONNA to the real EVITA!
See Madonna's "Karmic Gifts and Lessons", "Career" Horoscope, and Natal Chart.
Wit and Wisdom:
GEMs and REMs
edited by Michael StarAstrology Jokes, Wise Quotes, Planetary Poetry.
Web Wizardry:
Tips, Tricks, Traps and Hi-Tech Tools
Web Wizardry: Web-Wiz 1 Search Engine Rankings
by Michael StarWhy it's important to work on getting your web pages submitted to - and listed high in - the major search engines like Alta Vista, Infoseek, and Excite. If you don't, it's like having a phone with no listing in the book where people can find you. WebPosition Analyzer is a hi-tech tool to get into the "Top 20".
Index: | Page-TOP | Free Weekly Horoscopes | Free Yearly Horoscopes | Love Lady advice column | Free Daily Horoscopes | NEW Articles | Astrology Articles | Tarot Articles | Numerology Articles | Crystals Articles | Horoscope Humor | Astrology Sign Series | Teach-Yourself Astrology-Tarot- Numerology | Astrology FAQ: Kelly's Questions | FAQ: Astrology-Tarot-Numerology | Cupid and Compatibility | Personal Horoscopes | Romance Astrology | Vocational Astrology | Predictive Astrology | Karmic Astrology | Mundane Astrology | Book Lists and Reviews | Astrology Toronto ATI lecture schedule | Toronto Astrology Events | Horrorscope for 1998 | What Readers Wrote | Princess Diana and Mother Teresa | Clinton and Lewinsky | The Love Planets | Taurus | Pluto | Karma and Reincarnation | Wit | Web Wizardry | Welcome | Hot-Links | Gift Ideas | About STAR SIGNS | About Michael Star | Michael's Address | Horoscope Readings by Email | ORDER-FORM | HOME | Quick Site Index |
Page Published March 9 1998. Updated July 16 2014 18:00 EST.
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(c)1996-2014 by Michael Star
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