Experiment ©1997Selecting a cyberspace soul-mate by advanced Astrology... FREE!
STAGE 1 ran DEC 03 1996 - APR 1997
The information on this page is presented for archival purposes only, and will be out of date after 1998. "The Experiment" will hopefully resume sometime in 2003 when time permits more work on the project.
NEW VISITORS: Please click on this STAGE 2 hot-link now to see how to join the Waiting List for 200 free Memberships in the NEXT Experiment which will officially begin in 2000. All fully completed Entry Forms will be reviewed and the first 200 eligible applicants over age 18 will be notified by email. Please note that incomplete forms will not be considered eligible.
This STAR MATES page archives the original information about STAGE 1 and may be of interest for newcomers. For a shorter summary of the information about STAGE 2, you can link to the new STAGE 2 page.
QUESTIONS and answers about "the Experiment", and how to find the ENTRY FORM to apply to participate in it, will be found on this STAR-MATES FAQ page.
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Michael Star's
STAR MATES Experiment
(c)1997 by Michael Star
- The FIRST TWO HUNDRED (200) APPLICANTS who FULLY completed the "official" ENTRY FORM became participating Members in "The Experiment" and its ASTRO dataBASE of people interested in Astrology.
- The ENTRY FORM will remain available until TWO HUNDRED (200) valid applications have been received, and the late applications which are received after the initial 200 were accepted will be held on a WAITING LIST.
- There will be NO GUARANTEE that a late entry after 200 have been entered will allow you to participate in "the Experiment". If any participants drop out, or cannot be reached by email, OR if I feel I can process more than 200, I will take additional applications from the Waiting List. Selection will be made: FIRST, on the basis of gender (to attempt to balance the male/female ratio of the participants), and SECOND, on the basis of "first to apply, first to be accepted".
- Each participant will be matched against the other Members and receive a FREE cyberspace soul-mate "Search Report" which lists the "Top 5" matches on the basis of ASTROLOGICAL COMPATIBILITY, using a new system of advanced horoscope analysis by computer.
- Each Member may complete one CONTACT FORM (to be made available when the Search Reports are sent out) to request the email addresses of up to five Members on THEIR "Top 5" list. This will ensure that no one is given YOUR email address until THEIRS has been validated. This is being done to minimize the chance you will be contacted by people who feel they must hide their identity. If someone has submitted a false email address, or has closed their "free trial" Internet account, your email address will not get to them. I cannot be responsible for the behaviour of the participants, but I am trying to discourage any insincere people or pranksters from joining "the Experiment".
(Some parts may appear out-dated at the present time.)Initially this will be a beta test site for Michael's new compatibility matching program using advanced Astrology. Samples of the SEARCH REPORTS are now available (subject to final revisions), as are samples of the Nametag LABELS used in THE GREAT DATE GAME. Four similar descriptive lines for each of your "Top 5" matches are also included on Page 2 of your STAR MATES Search Report. If they will exchange full birth data with you, then you could also order a "Psyche Secrets" or "Romance Secrets" reading on each other and get a more detailed astrological reading. Or you could order a CUPID COMPATIBILITY Reading on the potential relationship with a prospective romantic partner. (These may be purchased, if you wish, by selecting the |READ-YOU| hyper-link.)
Volunteers who get on the the bandwagon early will be entered in the ASTRO dataBASE for FREE and have the opportunity to be matched with other Members who are in the same dataBASE or who enter later and request a search for their most compatible people. Matching will initially be done for the purpose of finding compatible Internet pen-pals who share an interest in Astrology, as these people are in the best position to appreciate and/or critique this astrological experiment.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
An official ENTRY FORM was made available at the |ENTER-ME| hotlink shown near the end of this page. This is the ONLY way to enter "the Experiment". I regret that I simply do not have the time to process 200 or more email letters at once, or answer personal enquiries about The Experiment. I have written as much information as I can on this page, so that any questions may be answered here. Please take the time to read it all BEFORE you go to the |TERMS| page and the |ENTRY-FORM| link. You may wish to save this file and read it off-line before coming back to enter your application. [There is now an additional |STAR-MATES FAQ| page link on the |CHECK-LIST| page for those who are already entered.]
Please read the |TERMS| page completely before you link to the ENTRY FORM page. There is an |ENTRY-FORM| hot-link at the end of the |TERMS| page for you to use, once you decide to accept the terms and conditions of "The Experiment".
You will need to check the "VISITOR" NUMBER on the opening screen and make a written record of it, because this is how I will anonymously NOTIFY you on the |CHECK-LIST| page if your application was not complete or was not received. This is VERY IMPORTANT -- if you do not RECORD the number, you will not know if your application was accepted until it is too late to participate in the free "Experiment". I CANNOT CONTACT YOU at all if your email address was entered incorrectly, or if the Entry Form data gets lost in transit, so listing your number and its status is the best I can do!
BEFORE you go to the |ENTRY FORM| see if you have your exact birth TIME handy, because the rating and ranking calculations are affected to a fair degree by the TIME of birth. To get the most accurate match, give the most accurate time...
You will NOT be put on any third-party mailing lists, and you will NOT be put on my own private mail list unless you enter a REQUEST to join the STAR SIGNS mail list for future announcements, by entering YES in a box on the Entry Form. If you enter NO you will receive your Search Report, but no other email such as announcements or invitations regarding this Experiment or future experiments.
NO PERSONAL DATA WILL BE GIVEN OUT, with the exception of the following, and even this will be seen ONLY by people who have YOU listed near the top of their list as most compatible. Chances are, THEIR data may appear on YOUR list too.
- MONTH and DAY of birth, but NOT YEAR
- SIGNS in which Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus and Mars are located, but not the degrees
- RISING SIGN, but not the degree
- GENDER: M or F (or G or L for gays)
[In "The Experiment" gays who choose "Friendship-only" matches may be matched to any member who has indicated F for "Friendship only" on their own Entry Form, but a gay person's sexual preference will be indicated on the Reports by a G or L in the GENDER code instead of M or F, so you may decide for yourself whether to write or reply. In future matching processes, gays will have a separate dataBASE to be matched on any basis to other gays.]- HEIGHT in inches. (Multiply meters by 39 to get inches)
M=Legally married now (or in a common-law marriage)
S=Legally separated now
D=Legally divorced now
N=Never married, still single- AVAILABILITY:
F = Available for friendship only, with either sex
A = Available for romance OR friendship OR BOTH
R = Available for romance ONLY
Email Addresses will NOT be given out until AFTER a compatible match is determined by the computer program; and even then, only AFTER the member who ordered the compatibility search has made a REQUEST for contact will the email address of his/her choice of highest-ranked matches be given to him or her. In other words: unless your name comes up as one of the Top 5 matches on someone's search list, no one will see your first name or email address.
If you choose to participate, it will be with the agreement that you will respond at least once to any email message sent to you by a Member whose Search Report shows your name as one of the highest-potential matches to them. You will be given a MEMBER NUMBER which only you and the people who have you on their list of Top 5 matches will know, and you may ask anyone writing you to state your Member Number to prove that you were matched to them. (It is possible for you to be on THEIR list even if they did not rank quite high enough to appear on YOUR Top 5 list).
Details are still being worked out. The matching program has been tested with over 500 persons known to the programmer, and it appears to be working remarkably well. Now YOU can be part of the next step in the testing process and perhaps connect with some compatible cyber-pals!
This is not a mere Sun-Sign matching program. It is extremely complex and uses ALL THE PLANETS in each person's birthchart, plus the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, I.C., Vertex, and Nodes. There are weightings for orb of aspect, type of aspect, afflictions to the planets involved, dignities and rulerships, mutual reception, etc.
The program rates and ranks the subject on SEVEN FACTORS, or any combination of those factors, against EVERY other person in the same dataBASE. One of the factors is mental/emotional [RA]pport, which is likely to be an important factor in WWW virtual vibes. And yes, there IS a [PH]ysical factor that indicates the potential for a certain "chemistry" between people.
You are welcome to INVITE friends or partners to apply by filling in the application FORM themselves. However, please be truthful when indicating your "availability" and legal marital status. If two partners in a romantic relationship want to join "the Experiment" to see how well they may be "matched" or what their "ratings" may be, they are welcome to do so, provided they have SEPARATE email addresses and are willing to reply to any email sent to them by other participants who may find them on their "Top 5" list. (Please note that in Stage 1 of "the Experiment" people were matched on a "FRIENDSHIP ONLY" basis, not necessarily on romantic or physical attraction. Scores for ALL Factors were calculated and SHOWN on the Search Reports, but the RANKING process was weighted in favor of factors indicating "friendship").
STAGE 2 will provide for matching on "Romance-only" or "Friendship-only" or "All" - depending on the option chosen by the participant on his Entry Form.
OTHER TYPES of MATCHING can be done later, when "the Experiment" is successfully completed and people may choose to order other types of search reports based on their own specifications. You may then order your search based on any combination of Factors, and/or on age range, height range, availability, legal marital status -- even on the SIGN of the person's Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ascendant. And even MORE specific searches may be offerred, such as people of the opposite sex who have their Mars in a certain aspect to your Venus (which usually indicates a strong physical attraction) or have their Sun conjunct your Moon or your Sun conjunct their Moon (which is often found in the synasty charts of happily married couples).
Please be aware that the matching program may or may not rank you and your present partner (if you both entered) as one of the "Top 5" matches for each other, especially if there happen to be many more more people of one sex in the group. For example, if there were many more females than males, then a match for "friendship only" could result in either the male or female partner finding 5 females who might be rated higher as potential FRIENDS than their own partner. Even if the partner were ranked number 6 out of 100, he or she would not APPEAR on the "Top 5" list.
Hopefully, your partner WOULD be listed as the best match for you, but the program matches you for potential compatibility based on ASTROLOGY only, and not by the methods people usually use to choose a partner, such as appearances or shared activities. You may wish to assess your potential relationship using BOTH methods, but the computer program will only be reporting on astrological compatibility. In my experience, the program usually DOES agree with my own personal choices by giving high ratings for people to whom I was strongly attracted BEFORE I used the program to check.
There will be NO CHARGE to participate in the initial "Experiment". It is FREE for the first 200 people to apply AFTER the initial announcement is made. Any additional applications beyond that number will be held on the "waiting list" and some may be included later if any of the initial group withdraw, or are declined because they did not fully complete their application form. In selecting from the waiting list, preference will be given to members of the sex which is least represented in the group, in order to better balance the gender ratio if possible. People who submit exact birth times will also be given preference, because the rankings will be more accurate when accurate birth times are used.
I need to "catch" the interest of enough net-connected people to form a group large enough to find "best" matches which are actually GOOD matches. The best 5 out of only 20 possiblities would not likely include 5 with high ratings as your match. When and if the Experiment is completed successfully, you'll be INVITED to remain in the ASTRO dataBASE as "Charter Members" at no cost to you. If you accept by the deadline date, by re-applying on a new application FORM and including your original Member Number and data, it will be on the condition that you will abide by the published Rules, and agree to make at least one reply to any new Members who email you and cite your Member Number after being matched to you on their STAR MATES Report. You may remain active in the ASTRO dataBASE until 1999, or until you give notice of your intent to cancel your active membership.
Your Charter Membership will be FREE, and you COULD enjoy many email letters from compatible Members simply by remaining available in the dataBASE and being selected as one of the Top 5 matches in OTHER Member's search Reports. However, if you wish to order your OWN search reports to find other Members who would appear on a list of YOUR Top 5 matches, the regular search report fees may apply (these have not yet been determined).
In other words, you will receive ONE FREE SEARCH REPORT as part of your volunteering to participate in the "Experiment", and you will also be given an invitation to a FREE MEMBERSHIP in a growing ASTRO dataBASE of the original Members and any new Members who join later. After that, you will be expected to pay the same fees as any new Member would for any services beyond the initial membership processing and initial Search Report. These will be OPTIONAL, and you may remain active in the ASTRO dataBASE free of charge until you request that your name be removed, or until 1999, whichever occurs first.
There will be additional dataBASES established for people who wish to meet others who share the same common interest or quality, such as spiritual "SEEKERS", or "ATHLETES", or college "STUDENTS". If you choose to join any additional dataBASE, there may be an additional charge to be entered and to order your own search reports in that particular dataBASE.
If you just can't wait to get comfortably compatible, you might try browsing the STAR SIGNS |HOME| page section on "Readings" |READ-YOU| and check out the CUPID COMPATIBILITY Reading C1 with MATING RATING.
If you already have birth data for someone you are interested in romantically, you could order this Reading, which uses the same seven-factor rating system as the STAR MATES matching program, but also provides a 10 to 15-page detailed commentary on how the two people are likely to attract, react, and interact as potential lovers.
You can see a SAMPLE at MATING-RATING. If you wish to order your own, please use the ORDER-FORM.
Thanks for your interest in "The Experiment". I look forward to your participation, and your comments on the results!
- Michael Star
ENTRY FORM for The STAR MATES Experiment
You may now select the |ENTER-ME| hyperlink below to go to the TERMS and CONDITIONS page, where you'll find the |ENTRY FORM| hyperlink and complete your Application once you have read and understand the terms and conditions. Thank you for participating, and best wishes for an enjoyable adventure in astrology!
|ENTER-ME| in "The Experiment" now!
Link-to: Page-TOP| Free Daily Oracle| New ARTICLES| Astrology GIFTS| COMPATIBILITY Readings| MATING-RATING| ENTERTAINMENT| WORKSHOPS| Michael's BIO| Michael's ADDRESS| 2-ORDER| ORDER-FORM|Author and Address
Last Updated January 97 2003.
©1997 by Michael Star (All rights reserved.)
81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON, Canada L5G 4S7
Email Michael at: michael@astrologyzine.com
Internet Web Site: STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine http://www.AstrologyZine.com
This web page and all its contents, and the STAR SIGNS astrological compatibility matching software, are copyrighted ©1997-2004 by Michael Star. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced, published, or sold in any media without the express permission of the author.