Astrology -

Sign of Sagittarius

Free Weekly Horoscope
by Michael Star, Astrologer ©1996-2016
in STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine.

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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope Forecast

Constellation of Sagittarius - click to see Sagittarius Shopping page! Sagittarius the Centaur

Astrological Symbol is The Centaur (Horse-Man, Teacher)
Mutable Fire Sign (adaptability, enthusiasm)
Ruled by Jupiter (Jove or Zeus, King of the Gods)

Sagittarius Strategies: adventure-seeking, exploration, fun-seeking, companionship, comradeship, friendliness, gregariousness, geniality, strong sense of ethics, sense of humor, philosophical outlook, truth-seeking and truth-telling, seeking understanding of higher principles and meanings, vision, sense of perspective, interest in foreign ideas/foreign people/foreign cultures/foreign travel, tolerance of differences, acceptance of risk.

See some more Sagittarius traits at the Sagittarius Shop page.

This is a general weekly horoscope forecast for people born with Sun in Sagittarius, or with Ascendant in Sagittarius, or with Sagittarius Rising in their natal horoscope. (It is most accurate for Sun in Sagittarius people born nearest NOV 22 or anyone with their Ascendant near 0 degrees of Sagittarius). Weekly Horoscopes are updated every Monday after midnight (Toronto or New York time).

The Sun was in Sagittarius if you were born NOV 22 to DEC 21, plus or minus one day, depending on the year. A more personal monthly horoscope reading with more details may be ordered by selecting any |Read-You| or |YOUR Horoscope| hotlink on any menu at the STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine web site. If you think you were born "on the cusp" of the Sign next or previous to Sagittarius, read the notes about cusps at the end of this page. To read more about your Rising Sign and Ascendant see that section near the end of this page, where you'll also discover The Sagittarius Motto.

Sagittarius Horoscope


     (c)1996-2016  STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine
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Career Horoscope: find your ideal career. | Karma Horoscope: your gifts and lessons.

End of Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

How this Horoscope Reading is done using Astrology

This general horoscope forecast is based on a technique called "the Solar Chart". Because the actual date and time and place of birth for a particular reader is not known, certain assumptions have been made to create this horoscope reading, which will apply to anyone born between NOV 22 and DEC 21 (plus or minus one day) with the Sun in Sagittarius, and also to anyone with Ascendant in Sagittarius or with the Sign of Sagittarius Rising in their birth horoscope. It may be especially accurate if the Ascendant in your birth horoscope is near 0 degrees of the Sign of Sagittarius. If you know the Sign of your Ascendant, read the Weekly Horoscope for that Sign too - it may be more accurate than this Sun Sign horoscope, although both will apply to the issues and events coming up in your own life.

What is a real Horoscope ?

People often refer to an astrological forecast such as this one - or to the Sun Sign columns in the newspapers - as a "horoscope". A horoscope is actually a MAP of Space-Time - an "image of the hour" as its Greek root words imply - which shows where the Sun and Moon and Planets are located in relation to each other and to a particular place on Earth, at a particular instant in Time. Strictly speaking, a horoscope is not words or sentences, but the chart itself - a two-dimensional map which represents a unique part of three-dimensional Space in the fourth dimension of Time. Your horoscope is "a picture of your personal place in Space and Time"!

The Natal Horoscope Chart

If that instant in Time is the time of birth of an individual, then THAT horoscope is called a "natal horoscope" or "natal chart" or "birth chart". What the average person calls "a horoscope" is actually a reading of that map, or an interpretation in words of that horoscope chart's symbolic meaning. Unless you are a student of astrology who knows how to read the map, you will not get too much useful information from a real horoscope chart, any more than you would from looking at your own chest X-ray unless you were a doctor trained in reading X-ray images.

The Horoscope Reading

An interpretation of the meaning of the horoscope is called a "horoscope reading" or a "delineation of the horoscope". When a horoscope is calculated (i.e. the horoscope is "cast") for the purpose of predicting possible or probable influences on thoughts, emotions, actions, or events in the human experience, that instant in Time used to calculate it is the present time or some time in the future. That horoscope is then compared to the natal (birth) horoscope of the person for whom the astrological forecast is being prepared. There are actually at least TWO horoscopes being used when making astrological forecasts.

Planetary Positions

The positions of the Sun and Moon and Planets at that particular time and place are compared to their positions at the time and place of the person's birth, by looking at their present or future positions in relation to the Signs and Houses in the birth horoscope chart, and to the angles they make to their original positions at the time of birth. Each is compared to each of the others, and its present or future position is compared to its own original position in Space-Time at the time and place of the person's birth. Each of these factors has a meaning, and a complete reading of the horoscope integrates them all into a useful explanation. You can see how complex a FULL reading of the horoscope can be, compared to the few lines in a newspaper horoscope column, or to the general Sun Sign horoscope forecast on this page.

About this general Weekly Horoscope Forecast

This particular horoscope forecast simply looks at what House of the birth horoscope the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are presently transiting (or moving through) and then interprets the possible manifestation of thoughts, feelings, actions and events which are most likely to take place when each Planet is in that particular House. While a Planet is transiting a particular House in the horoscope, there is a focus on the areas of life represented by that House -- the issues symbolized by the Planet are most likely to "come up" in some form in those facets of one's life symbolized by that House.

Same Play, Different Players

Note that it is the issues which the horoscope indicates, and you should always look behind an event to see if it is just one of the possible forms in which a certain issue may manifest. Sometimes the issue or event involves someone else, and you are only a participant or merely a witness to the way this issue is coming up for them to experience, and for you to observe.

A Clue for You

It is still YOUR issue too, even if it appears not to be "happening TO you", and you should take a close look at how this issue could have some particular meaning for YOU. It is very likely a clue for you in bringing your attention to a belief or habit which needs to be corrected because it is keeping you from being happy or successful or at peace with yourself. It might be a clue to what is really happening in your life (what it's all ABOUT, not what it LOOKS LIKE on the surface). Or it might be a valuable clue to finding the solution which resolves the issue, or the best way of dealing with whatever is blocking your happiness. Or it may be a clue to what you are attracting to yourself as a result of your intentions or desires or beliefs - people, things, or situations which you want or do not want.

Coincidence? I Think NOT.

There are no coincidences -- if an issue is coming up "in your face" it is because you need to take a good look at it! Even if it appears to be a negative or painful thing, it is coming up to help HEAL you, not HURT you.

Sign Strategy

Your likely strategies for dealing with those current issues are indicated by the Sign the transiting Planet is in now. Your natural, habitual strategies or tendencies for dealing which those issues are indicated by the Sign in your birth horoscope which that House overlaps. However, since we do not know which Sign that would actually be for a particular person in the group (except for the Sun Sign), the Sign in the birth horoscope is not considered in this forecast. The Sign the transiting Planet is moving through THIS WEEK is the same for all people on Earth, so it is not mentioned in this horoscope forecast.

Moon in Motion

The Moon is not considered in this horoscope forecast because it moves so quickly that it would pass through three or four different Houses and Signs in a week. The Moon is used as a primary indicator in daily horoscope forecasts. The outer Planets move so slowly that they would remain in the same House for several weeks, months, or even years, and thus are considered in monthly and yearly forecasts instead of a weekly forecast like this.

In the House

To get more insights on what areas of your life are associated with a particular House read the article The Astrological Houses by Michael Star in the "Teach Yourself Astrology" series listed on the |HOME| page of STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine. Each of the transiting Planets is passing through a particular House in your natal horoscope, and the general Weekly Forecast on this page lists the House in your Solar Chart the Sun and three of the inner "Personal Planets" are passing through this week.

Check the article on Houses to find the kinds of things that are most likely to be emphasized in your life when the Sun or a Planet is moving through that House. The most common ones are mentioned in the forecast on this page, but you might find other things that apply more specifically to YOU by reading the article on Houses.

See the Pattern - See Past the Particulars

If you observe your life carefully from a detached viewpoint, you may see certain themes or issues coming up in several situations around the same time, even though the events or the people involved may be different in each case. If you ask yourself, "What is this all ABOUT?" you may find the answer is something that you will see being presented to you in more than one situation or event while the Sun or the Planet is moving through the House that "rules" those kinds of things. If you see three or more similar situations coming up around the same time, it is no coincidence -- it is the Synchronicity between the movements of the heavenly bodies and issues and events in the lives of people on Earth who are attuned to certain angles and positions the Planets may move into, relative to their positions in the birth horoscope of certain people.

Synchronicity: Simultaneous Separate Situations

Synchronicity is a term invented by the great Swiss psychologist, Dr Carl Jung, to describe an a-causal relationship between two things or events. One does not cause the other, but they can be seen to occur together at the same time. So if you observe one of them occurring, you can assume the other is also happening at the same time. That is basically "how Astrology works".

In Sync: Same Time, Different Space

This synchronization is what allows astrologers to interpret the positions of the Planets as indicators of motivations, feelings, actions and events for the people whose individual horoscopes would be attuned to particular positions of the Planets at any given time. This is the basis for making astrological forecasts and predictions by examining present and future transits of the Planets to the planetary positions in the birth horoscope (which you might describe as being "imprinted" at that particular time and place).

All living things that are "born" can have a Horoscope

GROUPS of humans like countries and corporations, and all living things like dogs and cats and horses, have a time and place of birth, so a natal horoscope chart can be cast for them, as well as for human beings. A corporation is "born" when it is incorporated. A country is "born" when it declares independence or when its leaders sign its charter. THE WORLD THIS WEEK horoscope column ("NewsScope") in STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine is based on the natal horoscopes of world leaders and people in the news, as well as countries and/or corporate entities like multi-national companies and public institutions.

What you call "my sign" is the Section of the sky the Sun was in

Because the horoscope forecast on this page is being done for a large group of people instead of an individual, the actual time and place of birth for each one of them is not known. But because our calendar is based on the motion of the Earth revolving around the Sun once per year, if we know our month and day of birth we also know what Sign the Sun appeared to be in at the time OUR own birth horoscope was cast. The Sun, Moon and all the Planets appear in a narrow band across the sky called "the Zodiac", and the Signs are just equal sections of that 360-degree circle. The distant fixed stars form the stable background of the zodiac, which helps us observe where the moving Planets ("planet" means "wandering star") are located at any time in relation to this fixed field of star patterns. People often refer to their "star sign" when they are talking about their "sun sign" -- but the Sun is a star, so the two terms really mean the same thing!

Sun Dial

Because our MONTH and DAY of birth corresponds to the position of the Sun as it appears to move across the zodiac, we CAN make some general assumptions using the SUN and its natal (birth) position, namely that for everyone "born under the Sign of Sagittarius" the Sun was SOMEWHERE in that 30-degree section of the sky called Sagittarius. And we DO know exactly where the Sun, Moon and all the Planets are located at the present time, and where they will be located at any time in the next week or in any future month or year, so we can compare their present or future positions (called their "transiting" positions or just "transits") to the natal position of the Sun for everyone in that group. We can assume an average position in the center of the Sign, or we can know that at SOME time in the next month the Moon and the faster-moving Planets like Mercury and Venus will move into a particular angular position with respect to the Sun, no matter where it is positioned within that 30-degree Sign sector.

Sunrise, Sunset

We cannot actually SEE the zodiac when the Sun is "up" during the daylight hours, because its strong light keeps us from seeing the stars, but we can see the zodiac just before sunrise or just after sunset, and know what Sign the Sun was in by looking at the point in the zodiac which just disappered or appeared on the horizon when the Sun was rising or setting. Nowadays, most astrologers can simply calculate the position of the Sun and Moon and Planets using tables called "ephemerides" or use the latest astrology software, so they do not have to watch "the heavens" as the ancient astrologers had to do.

The Solar Horoscope Chart

We can also cast a "Solar Chart" for all the people born with the Sun in the astrological Sign of Sagittarius, by assuming the Cusp of the First House (a position known as "the Ascendant" or "rising degree") is at 0 degrees of Sagittarius. We could also assume a position at 15 degrees in the middle of Sagittarius, but the first method aligns the solar chart's Houses with the Signs and is considered more accurate by some astrologers. All of the other eleven "house cusps" (border lines) are then calculated from that point, so that each House represents an equal segment of the sky as viewed from Earth. We do not know the actual place or time of birth for an individual in the group, but the decision to locate the Ascendant at 0 degrees of Sagittarius also implies that a time and place has been chosen to represent the whole group in a "symbolic" sense.

Symbolic Sense

It has been found that by interpreting this symbolic horoscope chart for an entire group of people (about one-twelfth of the population of any large group, or even of the whole world), we can make some astrological predictions about present and future influences and tendencies which will be true in a general sense for most of the people in that group. It's not as good, but it's much more convenient, to just read a generalized interpretation like this, than to prepare and interpret a complex horoscope for yourself each week or month, or pay an astrologer to do it for you.

This kind of astrological forecast will not be as accurate or specific as it could be for an individual whose specific time and place of birth were used to cast the natal horoscope chart and calculate the exact Sign and degree of the Ascendant and all of that person's House cusps, but it does give some useful information which is the best available under the circumstances, and which is worth considering and observing as the emotions, actions, and events unfold over time -- even if only for entertainment, or out of curiosity.

"For Your Entertainment"

By the way, you'll often see a disclaimer like "for entertainment only" or "for your amusement" printed on a horoscope reading for legal reasons, because some people tend to read more into a horoscope reading than was actually said or intended, and may make decisions based on their own interpretations which do not work out well for them, and then blame the astrologer. In some jurisdictions, it is considered illegal to make "predictions" based on astrology or other means of divination, and this disclaimer is required by law.) You can follow your general Sun Sign forecasts each week on this page just "for entertainment", or as an experiment to see for yourself if there is any truth revealed in them for you! Try reading the Weekly Horoscope Forecast for the Sign of your Sun, as well as for the Sign of your Ascendant (your Rising Sign).

If you were "born on the cusp" of a Sign

IF you were born within one day of either of the above dates, the SUN may have been in the ADJACENT Sign in your birth horoscope, depending on the YEAR and TIME and PLACE you were born (being on the border line is often called "being on the Cusp"). Only by having your personal Natal Horoscope Chart (birth chart) calculated accurately will you KNOW exactly where the Sun was. But you can GUESS, by reading the horoscope interpretations for BOTH Signs to see if one seems more accurate for you.

Your "Ascendant" and "Rising Sign"

If you know your Ascending Sign or Rising Sign is Sagittarius, you may find this horoscope forecast even more accurate, since this simplified Solar Chart is actually created by assuming that the Ascendant, which is the Cusp of the First House, is at zero degrees of the Sign the Sun was in at your time and place of birth. If your Sun was in Sagittarius, then your Ascendant will likely also be in Sagittarius if you were born within about one minute to 120 minutes BEFORE sunrise, so you and other Sagittarius people with pre-dawn births may find this forecast especially accurate. (If you were born within the two hours AFTER sunrise, try reading the horoscope forecast for the next Sign AFTER your Sun Sign). The "Ascendant" is a Point at a particular degree within a particular Sign. The "Rising Sign" or "ascending Sign" is just the Sign which contains the Ascendant in a particular person's horoscope.

How to get a more accurate Horoscope Reading:

Depending on your actual time of birth, the date ranges given in the horoscope forecast would shift somewhat -- they would be earlier if born later. The best way to get a really accurate horoscope reading is to order your own Personal Horoscope Reading by Michael Star. For only US $15 you can receive five insightful one-page "Personality Readings" (about Romance, Love, Relationships, Seduction, and Psyche) plus your individual "Natal Chart and Aspect List", calculated accurately by computer using your unique birth data, and emailed to you within 24 hours BEFORE you send you payment by check or money order. While some of the Readings offerred here cannot be done without an accurate birth time, the horoscope readings in this "Six-Pack" are specifically designed for people who may not know their birth time. See the "Six Pack" P1-5 on the online |ORDER-FORM|.

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First Published DEC 08 1997. Updated July 21 2014 12:00 EST.

Author and Address

(c)1997-2016 Michael Star, Astrologer
81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON, Canada L5G 4S7

Email Michael at...

Internet Web Site: STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine

Michael has posted frequently on the Usenet newsgroup: alt.astrology

This page and its contents are copyrighted (c)1997-2009 by Michael Star.
Permission is freely granted to retrieve and store this material for personal use only. It may not be copied, distributed, published or sold in any media without the express permission of the author.

STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine was first published on the internet on JUL 27, 1996. Web site design, HTML coding, web site maintenance, astrology software, and the horoscope interpretations on this page are the work of Michael Star of Port Credit (Mississauga), Ontario, Canada (near Toronto).

Hyperlinks to the TOP of this page or link exchanges are invited.

"Your Horoscope is the map of your soul's journey.
Astrology is how to read it."
(c)1996 Michael Star

Sagittarius Motto: "Oh well, tomorrow is another day!"

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