
Sample of STAR MATES Search Report
by Michael Star
A Feature of "The STAR MATES Experiment" in
STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine.

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Search Reports (c)1997

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Michael Star's
STAR MATES Experiment

Sample of Star Mates Search Report

(c)1996 by Michael Star (All rights reserved.)
Email Michael at:
Internet Web Site:


FACTORS used in STAR MATES Ratings

Detailed explanations of the FACTORS used in the STAR MATES rating process and in the CUPID COMPATIBILITY HOROSCOPE are given in the sample Search Report below and supplied with all Search Reports or Compatibility Horoscopes.


Your personal STAR MATES Search Report lists the Member# and First Name 
of the five people in the current dataBASE whose average rating on the 1
to 7 Factors used to rank your compatibility with them was higher than 
all the other people tested.

On the same line as # and Name your Report lists the SIGN of each person's:

TA  CA   GE      CA    LE   GE   (see explanation of abbreviations below)

and their % ratings (relating to YOU) on each of 7 Factors. For example:

IN FR LO RA KA DI PH   (see explanation of the Factor abbreviations below)
81 75 72 70 79 63 76

ABBREVIATIONS USED for the SIGN of Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars / 
and Rising Sign (or "Sign on the Ascendant"):

AR=ARies         TA=TAurus       GE=GEmini        CA=CAncer
LE=LEo           VI=VIrgo        LI=LIbra         SC=SCorpio
SA=SAggitarius   CP=CaPricorn    AQ=AQuarius      PI=PIsces

SYMBOLS USED and their explanations

These and other symbols appear either after a person's NAME or 
after one or more of the abbreviations for the SIGN their Sun or 
Moon or Mercury or Venus or Mars was in at birth.  They give you 
additional information about your potential relationship with 
each of the persons on your list of highest-rated matches.  Note 
that the ) and ( symbols may appear as angle-brackets on emailed 
Search Reports, but had to be shown as ) and ( on this web page 
to avoid being interpreted as HTML codes by web browsers.

For example:
                     (sign of planets)              % FACTORS (1-99%)
#999M NA Michael  )  TA:! CA:^ GE?  CA~  LE`  GE?=  86 79 72 70 79 63 81

You'll find explanations of these symbols on the sample Search Report.

% RATING FACTORS e.g. (PH) and their explanations (rated 1-99 percent)

You'll find a detailed explanation of each Factor on pages 3 and 4 of 
the sample Search Report.  Since the first stage of The Experiment 
matches each Member to ALL other Members, both male AND female, some 
additional explanation of the (PH)ysical Factor is added here which does 
not appear on a standard Search Report.  (Matches based on gender, 
availability for a romantic OR friendship relationship, age and height 
ranges, etc., will be available soon, but "The Experiment" was designed 
to match people as Internet PEN-PALS, not necessarily as romantic or 
sexual partners.)

In non-sexual relationships PH seems to operate as an attraction as 
well; perhaps because one admires and feels comfortable with the way the 
other personifies their ideal of how they would want to be themselves.  
For example, one man may admire the way his male friend acts "like a 
man" in the way he feels men should act.  There can be a non-sexual 
attraction simply because each sees something in the other which they 
would like to see in themselves.  While at first one would tend to 
disregard the PH Factor in non-sexual matches; further research seems to 
support the idea that it IS a factor in attraction and compatibility 
even if it has nothing to do with the physical attraction we associate 
with sexual desire.  But it does have to do with physical qualities and 
sexual self-expression.  By including the PH Factor in non-sexual 
matching we get better results than by excluding it.

If you see a high PH Factor indicated in a match between you and someone
who is NOT of your preferred sex, it does NOT imply that you are 
sexually attracted to them.  It does indicate that your ways of 
expressing your sexuality are compatible or similar, but it would only 
indicate a sexual desire for the other person IF you were normally 
attracted to people of that gender as potential sexual partners.  For 
example, if you were a "straight" heterosexual male and a high PHysical 
Factor was indicated in a match to another "straight" male, it would NOT 
imply that you were "gay" or had any sexual desire for each other.  IF 
you had any sexual interest in other males, then it would.  If you 
don't, it doesn't.


POTENTIALS...NOT PREDICTIONS: Each Factor % is determined by very 
complex calculations of the precise positions of the Planets & Sun & 
Moon over the birthplace of each person at the minute of birth AND of 
the closeness of the angles they ALL make to each other AND to ALL the
planets in each other person's picture of the sky at birth (which is
what a "horoscope" is..."a picture of the hour"). Astrology's true 
PURPOSE is to show us our "map of the Soul's journey" in this read in the sky. Astrology shows the "pattern" our Soul 
works from to build our Character and Personality.

The horoscope shows the "plans" but they are the PATTERNS and not the 
final FORM which is YOU!  Free Will, Heredity and Environment 
(experience) all mold the Personality.  The patterns revealed in the 
horoscope and in the comparison of two horoscopes show POTENTIALS & 
PROBABILITIES but not the actual FORM they take as the two people and 
their mutual inter-actions. 

Thus the Factors reveal PROBABILITIES but are not actual PREDICTIONS. 

The "FACTORS" you see here, as clues to THE POTENTIAL FOR GOOD 
RELATIONSHIPS to various persons, may or may not provide (in the final 
analysis) a precise prediction of the final form of the relationship.  
YOU and another human can CHOOSE & control that!  What the Factors 
reliably PREDICT with amazing accuracy is THE POTENTIAL FOR SUCCESS as 
well as THE DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY for each potential relationship.  If 
you seek harmony and makes sense to START WITH PARTNERS 

In many cases people DO follow their plans or patterns and DO manifest 
personalities and form relationships almost exactly as one would predict 
from a reading of their patterns.  This is why Astrology CAN be a useful 
predictive tool IN MANY CASES.  But the more enlightened one becomes, 
the more one can CHOOSE how to build one's character from one's pattern, 
and CHOOSE how to relate to one's partners in relationships, and CHOOSE 
one's experiences in life.  Your Horoscope is a plan which is meant to 
GUIDE you but not to LIMIT you -- unless you make no effort to read it 
and use it to your best advantage.

In comparing the Horoscopes of TWO people (a practice called "Synastry") 
there are TWO sets of plans and TWO people with the Free Will to CHOOSE 
how their plan will work with the other's.  Some sets will be naturally 
compatible and work well together.  Other sets will have different 
goals, and will work well only when some compromise and  conflict has 
adjusted them to form a mutually co-operative balance between naturally 
differing strategies and styles.

The DIfficulty / DIfference Factor indicates how difficult (high %) and 
naturally different, or similar (low %) and naturally compatible, the 
two people's plans may be - as indicated by a comparison of their 
horoscopes.  We learn and grow through both co-operation and conflict, 
and usually our most intimate relationships are our best teachers.  

Opposites do attract, and there is a reason: they need to learn to co-
operate by balancing their own needs with the sometimes opposing needs 
of their partner, and if the only way to learn co-operation is to try 
conflict first, then so be it.  We will learn one way or the other.

This is why the DI Factor was not used in ranking the matches in "The 
STAR MATES Experiment".  If it were, you would only be matched to people 
who were "easy" and "similar" - and you might miss meeting the person 
who was meant to teach you the lessons of co-operation through some 
varying degrees of conflict and compromise.  The DI Factor was designed 
to warn you of the potential degree of "difficulty" in an otherwise 
potentially great relationship, not to eliminate its chance of happening!  
Sometimes an ideal Love is worth working for, and may motivate us to 
become more than we were before.  Ask any truly happily married couple 
if it was worth the effort - or if they found it "easier" later on.

The difficulty level is INDICATED by the DI Factor, so you can choose 
how much friction you are comfortable with; but it is not used to 
arbitrarily make that choice for you (by selecting only the lowest level 
of difficulty.  The people with the best potential are selected using the 
OTHER Factors chosen for the ranking process, and the ones in your Top 5 
List are the ones who are rated as POTENTIALLY most compatible with you 
- regardless of how much effort it may take to reach that potential.  
Some people like a little fire and friction in their relationships, 
while others want peace and comfort.  If you are willing to give up 
meeting the people with the highest potential for the sake of avoiding 
any great effort to achieve it, you can order a customized Search Report 
using YOUR OWN specifications for ANY mix of 1 to 7 Factors that are 
used in the ranking process, and INCLUDE the DIfficulty Factor to reduce 
the chance of having a difficult match show up on your Top 5 List.

More About the DI Factor

Something you should know about the DIfficulty Factor is that it is a
blend or "composite" of ALL the negative and positive scores assigned to
each and every astrological aspect used in comparing the two partners'
birth charts.  The other Factors (except Karma) are also a blend of the 
positive and negative scores assigned to ONLY certain astrological
aspects which would contribute to each of those Factors - thus they too
are a "composite".  You might say that they are rating how strong each of
those Factors will appear AT FIRST - yet this could be raised to a higher
level which is their real POTENTIAL level IF you work on your relationship,
learn to adjust to each other's differences, and learn to accept those
differences.  You might also say that the sores are rating how strong those
Factors will remain if you do NOTHING to improve them.  

With the scores being "composite" scores, this means that when there is a 
HIGH DIfficulty Factor AND ALSO HIGH scores for any or all of the other 
Factors, then the positive POTENTIAL for those other Factors is actually 
HIGHER than its composite score is showing.  

In other words, when those other scores are HIGH (above 80%), don't worry 
too much about a fairly high DI Factor (about 60%-75%) because it means: 
(1) the POTENTIAL of a fulfilling relationship with 
this partner is very likely HIGHER than the scores for each of the other
Factors indicates; and 
(2) it is probably WORTH IT to deal with those difficulties, because when 
you work things out between you in those areas of your relationship then 
you can enjoy EVEN MORE of the good things the other Factors represent!
(Note that a DI Factor of 50% to 60% is common even in GOOD relationships 
and, in itself, is nothing to worry about.)

When the DIfficulty Factor is VERY HIGH (80%-90%) then there
will likely be many more negative aspects than positive aspects in the
relationship.  This can make things TOO uncomfortable - even when there
are many other good things in the relationship - and one or the other
of the partners will likely decide it is just "not worth it" to continue.
(Yet when the partners are prone to act in ways which psychologists call 
"co-dependent", then it is these "difficult" aspects which may serve to 
attract them to each other and keep them bound to each other - even when 
it really IS more "uncomfortable" than other people would tolerate.)


and selects people by the highest average % on 6 of the 7 Factors. You 
can get CUSTOMIZED reports that rate on ANY Factor or mix of Factors 
(e.g. IN + PH for "Great Date" reports or KA alone for "Karmic 
Attractions"). Some "special interest groups" have a separate BASE 
(dataBASE) so that anyone they are matched to will share that common 
interest or quality (e.g. "Art" or "Astrology" or "Fitness" or "Spiritual 
Seeker" or "College Student").


The sample shown here is identical to the ones being sent to Members of The STAR MATES Experiment, with the exception of the specific numbers, names, Signs and symbols and "scores" which will vary from one person's Report to another's. The subject and the subject's birth data were chosen at random, so the Report is not for any known person -- but it does show typical results and "scores" because it was processed using an actual database which contains real birth data for real persons.

For more information, link to the FAQ:QUESTIONS/ANSWERS page.
To see if your Search Report has been emailed to you yet (or why not), link to the |CHECK-LIST| page.


Y O U R  S T A R  M A T E S  L I S T 
MEMBER: #201F      for Sue Sample          

 The STAR MATES computer has completed a complex astrological analysis
 of your COMPATIBILITY with 200 eligible members in the EXP
 dataBASE.  Your TOP-RATED POTENTIAL MATCH ... Member #193M Tom  
 This RATING is based on the highest AVERAGE % for 6 FACTORS:
 INFATUATION FACTOR: IN= 92% Chance of Instant Interest or Infatuation
 FRIENDSHIP FACTOR:  FR= 91% Chance of Warm and Intimate Platonic Love
 LONGEVITY FACTOR:   LO= 90% Chance of Long Loyal Bond/Real Commitment
 RAPPORT FACTOR:     RA= 94% Chance of Real Communication/`Like Minds'
 KARMIC/FATE FACTOR: KA= 81% Chance of `Fated' Attraction /Karmic Bond
 PHYSICAL FACTOR:    PH= 86% Chance of Sexual Desire and Compatibility
 The Rating % estimates HOW YOU RELATE to that person...and they TO YOU.

     Each FACTOR (1-99%) represents the POTENTIAL for experiencing:
     (IN)fatuation /INstant INterest/ Fascination/Love-at-1st-sight.
     (FR)iendship/Warm affection/Intimate sharing/a Platonic love.
     (LO)ngevity /LOng-lasting LOyal bond/Responsibility/Commitment.
     (KA)rmic Attraction/Feeling you met before/An UNexplained bond.
     (PH)ysical Attraction-Admiration /Lust/Compatible sexual styles.

FOR 025F Sue       01MAR PIS  ARI  PIS  AQU  AQU  CPR  FACTORS  (1% to 99%)
#193M DA Tom     )(30JUN+CAaa?SCp  CA?  CA   LE   SA_  92 91 90 94 81 58 86
#142M NF Dick    ){31JAN AQ   PI   AQ   CPp  CP   GE?  87 87 90 82 88 65 80
#145M SR Harry    (07JAN-CP   CA?  CPu  AQ   TAp  GE:_ 87 87 85 83 84 60 86
#031F NA Xena     (19DEC-SA   SC`  SA   AQ   AR   CA   86 81 85 80 89 39 85
#194F MF M-J     )(16APR AR:  VI'  AR:  TAu  PI   CPp  84 87 93 91 74 66 75
RANKED by AVG. of: +IN+FR+LO+RA+KA+PH      200 AVERAGE 77 69 71 67 74 63 73
PASSED: 200 M&F  108 )You attract  82 (Attract you incl. 57 )(Mutual 
CODES = St=Status: S)ep D)iv N)everWed M)arried F)riends R)omance A)ny/Both

 ) or } by NAME says THEY may be attracted TO YOU at FIRST SIGHT!
 ( or { says likely YOU'LL be attracted to THEM at FIRST SIGHT!
 + or - warns their BIRTH YEAR is 5 or MORE years +/- from yours.
 a or : shows a mutual AFFECTION & EMOTIONAL BOND -or a marriage?
 ? indicates EMPATHY/compassion; psychic/spiritual BOND; MYSTERY.
 p shows a MAGNETIC attraction or avoidance with POWERFUL effects.
 e or ~ shows mutual PHYSICAL or sexual ATTRACTION/compatibility.
 * or = says one or both may SEE the other as a PARTNER or mate.
 ^ says Sign and all Factors are estimated (birth TIME unknown).

 TO CONTACT A MEMBER ON YOUR LIST go to the |CONTACT| page at: and fill in the CONTACT REQUEST
 FORM.  Be sure to enter your Member # and e-mail address!
 You may enter ONE FREE REQUEST to contact up to 5 on your LIST.
 If you are interested in other types of compatibility searches
 which match you according to a set of LIMITS you set yourself
 please check the |CONTACT| page.  Examples: AGE; HEIGHT; MARITAL
 You may also ENTER a few special data BASEs where EVERYONE listed
 has a common quality or interest or ARTS; FITNESS;
 spiritual SEEKERS; STUDENT...for free (does not include a LIST).
 Updated LISTS for any BASE using YOUR specified LIMITS: $10 each.

 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON  CANADA L5G4S7


Y O U R  S T A R  M A T E S  L I S T 
MEMBER: #201      for Sue Sample          

Here are some TRAITS of your top matches as predicted by the STAR
MATES program.  You can have fun checking them out when you make
your first contact with any of these people on your Top 5 List.
(The descriptions are taken from my GREAT DATE GAME "labels".)
If you decide to exchange birth data you can each order ROMANCE
SECRETS or PSYCHE SECRETS Readings on the other; or perhaps a
CUPID COMPATIBILITY HOROSCOPE to get 10-15 pages of text which
describes in great detail how you may relate to each other.

RANKED by AVG. of: +IN+FR+LO+RA+KA+PH      200 AVERAGE 77 69 71 67 74 63 73
CODES = St=Status: S)ep D)iv N)everWed M)arried F)riends R)omance A)ny/Both

FOR 025F Sue       01MAR PIS  ARI  PIS  AQU  AQU  CPR  FACTORS  (1% to 99%)

#193M DA Tom     )(30JUN+CAaa?SCp  CA?  CA   LE   SA_  92 91 90 94 81 58 86
IS comforting & caring & cuddly AND gutsy & lusty & bold & brazen.
LIKES sweet & shy but strong & sexy OR friendly funloving & physical type.

#142M NF Dick    ){31JAN AQ   PI   AQ   CPp  CP   GE?  87 87 90 82 88 65 80
IS free-spirited & free-thinking YET such a sucker for a sob-story.
LIKES dignified & decorous & devoted OR conservative & clandestine type.

#145M SR Harry    (07JAN-CP   CA?  CPu  AQ   TAp  GE:_ 87 87 85 83 84 60 86
IS calm & controlled and crafty YET sweet & shy and strong & sexy.
LIKES free-thinking & free-spirited OR earthy & easy-going & enduring type.

#031F NA Xena     (19DEC-SA   SC`  SA   AQ   AR   CA   86 81 85 80 89 39 85
IS uncomplicated & understanding YET hypnotic & erotic & excessive.
LIKES original off-beat & outspoken OR adventurous & aggressive type.

#194F MF M-J     )(16APR AR:  VI'  AR:  TAu  PI   CPp  84 87 93 91 74 66 75
IS uncomplicated & uncompromising YET smart & straight & never late.
LIKES earthy easy-going & enduring OR accepting and accommodating type.

MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON  CANADA L5G4S7


 STAR MATES   (c)1996 Michael Star

 (IN)STANT INTEREST/INFATUATION: This Factor indicates how "in-
 teresting" you find each other from the first encounter until
 the initial interest fades with familiarity. A high % indicates
 an immediate "liking" or fascination...possibly an infatuation
 or a sense of "being more alive" when in each other's presence.
 Each may keep thinking about the other while apart and yearn for
 another meeting. It's mental not physical--but can feel ROMANTIC.
 If you IDEALIZE & GLAMORIZE them now you'll find the flaws later.

 (FR)IENDSHIP/AFFECTION/INTIMACY: This Factor indicates the poten-
 tial for sincere affection; true platonic love; and genuine inti-
 macy.  "Friendly relations" may begin on first meeting and con-
 tinue as a cameraderie or bond based on familiarity and trust.
 A high % here indicates a capacity for close companionship and
 intimate sharing of confidences and becoming "best friends". You
 may find you really "like" each other on first meeting and feel
 pleasure in being together. You can "be yourself" & be accepted.

 (LO)NGEVITY/LOYALTY/COMMITMENT: This factor indicates the poten-
 tial for a long and loyal bond; where a sense of commitment and
 responsibility (or duty) keeps you together when differences or
 difficulties tend to push you apart.  It's the glue that holds
 the relationship together. Sometimes it's comforting; sometimes
 it's a burden; sometimes it's a sense of karmic duty or payback.
 In a friendship it's Loyalty. In a romance it's Commitment. In a
 marriage it's "a tie that binds" a couple "for better or worse".

 (RA)PPORT & REAL COMMUNICATION: A LOW % for this Factor warns of
 trouble "understanding" one another or "communicating". A HIGH
 « says you can truly "hear" what the other is saying and see what
 they MEAN or know how they FEEL.  You LIKE to TALK (or tease). You
 may "think alike" and share many of the same views or opinions.
 Even when you disagree you have the capacity to COMMUNICATE and
 reason things out. You STIMULATE each other mentally...maybe even
 INSPIRE new ideas. Sometimes you seem to read each other's mind.

 (KA)RMIC ATTRACTION/FATE FACTOR: You could call this the "Fate
 Factor" if you don't believe in Karma and "past lives".  A high
 rating (over 80%) may indicate a potential karmic bond that draws
 you together for better or worse -- a subtle sense of needing to
 serve some purpose or pay back some obligation or perform some
 unknown penance. OR you may just be back together again because
 two Souls have loved before! If the OTHER Factors are too LOW to
 account for a real attraction an 80+ (KA) makes it SEEM stronger!

 (DI)FFICULTY or (DI)FFERENCES: This "Difficulty Factor" is the
 guide to how likely it is there can be CHALLENGES & CONFLICTS in
 adjusting to your differences in temperaments & styles & drives &
 values.  A (DI) of 50% or higher is a warning that there are more
 differences to create irritation & frustration & separation than
 there are similarities & attractions to smooth & soothe & stab-
 ilize & sustain togetherness. It IS possible to happily handle a
 high % of (DI) if there's also a high % of LOVE... but not EASY!

 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON  CANADA L5G4S7


 STAR MATES   (c)1996 Michael Star

 (PH)YSICAL or SEXUAL ATTRACTION: The "Physical Factor" indicates
 the "Lust Level" in a relationship with the preferred sex --
 the INTENSITY of the sex drive; the "chemistry"; the passion you
 provoke in each other. If it's a HIGH % you'll FEEL sexual energy
 when you are together. This is purely a PHYSICAL response which
 some can sense just being nearby if the PH Factor is above 80%.
 A HIGH % can mean you'll ATTRACT & STIMULATE each other sexually.
 You could enjoy sexual compatibility and a satisfying sex life.

 )( ATTRACTIONS AT FIRST SIGHT: The old expressions like "She
 caught my eye!" or "I couldn't keep my eyes off him!" apply to
 ) & (.  A ) or a STRONGER } means THEY'LL notice YOU & find their
 eyes keep leading them back for another look...regardless of HOW
 you look or what age.  The ( or { means you'll find THEM fascin-
 ating TO LOOK AT.  No matter how attractive they are by anyone's
 standards YOU will ALWAYS enjoy LOOKING at them. This MIGHT also
 indicate a "love at first sight" or Soul-mate or "instant karma".

 POTENTIALS...NOT PREDICTIONS: Each Factor's % is determined by
 very complex calculations of the precise positions of the Planets
 & Sun & Moon over the birthplace of each person at the minute of
 birth;  AND of the closeness of the angles they ALL make to each
 other; AND to ALL the planets in each other person's picture of
 the sky at birth (which is what a "horoscope" is..."a picture of
 the hour").  Astrology's true purpose is to show us our "map
 of the Soul's journey" in this lifetime read in the sky.

 ASTROLOGY shows us the "pattern" our Soul works from to build our
 Character and Personality.  The HOROSCOPE shows the "plans"  but
 these are the PATTERNS and not the final FORM...YOU!  Free Will
 & Heredity & Environment (experience) all mold the Personality.
 The patterns revealed in the horoscope and in the comparison of
 two horoscopes show POTENTIALS & PROBABILITIES but not the actual
 FORM they take as two people and their mutual inter-action.  Thus
 the Factors reveal PROBABILITIES but cannot be real PREDICTIONS.

 So the "FACTORS" you see here as clues to THE POTENTIAL FOR GOOD
 RELATIONSHIPS to various persons may or may not provide -- in the
 final analysis -- a precise prediction of the final form of the
 relationship.  YOU and another human can choose & control that!
 What the Factors reliably PREDICT with amazing accuracy is THE
 potential relationship.  If you seek harmony and

 rates and selects persons by the highest average % on 6 of the 7
 Factors.  You can get CUSTOMIZED reports that rate on ANY Factor
 or mix of Factors (e.g. (IN)+(PH) for "Great Date" reports or (KA)
 alone for "Karmic Attractions").  Some "special interest groups"
 have a separate BASE (dataBASE) so that anyone they are matched
 to will share that common interest or quality (eg. "Spiritual
 Seeker" or "College Student").  FOR INFORMATION write or email:

 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON  CANADA L5G4S7  STAR SIGNS

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Author and Address

Updated February 01 2005 12:00 EST.

(c)1997-2005 Michael Star
81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON, Canada L5G 4S7

Email Michael at:

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The STAR MATES software and all text on this web page are copyrighted (c)1997-2005 by Michael Star. All rights reserved. No portion may be reproduced, distributed, published or sold in any media, without the express permission of the author.

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