Astrology Karmic Gifts and Lessons Horoscope Reading
by Michael Star (c)1997-2017.
Karmic Astrology in STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine.

Your Karmic Gifts and Lessons Yin and Yang symbol Horoscope Reading C2

Helps you find answers to life's questions...

  • What karmic gifts were you given?
  • What were you meant to do with them?
  • What's holding back your happiness or success?
  • What karmic challenges have you already overcome?
  • What challenges keep coming up again and again?
  • What can you do to learn your karmic lessons in this life?
  • What choices in your past lives still require karmic corrections?

"Dear Michael,
It has taken awhile to digest all the information and insights you have delivered. There is no doubt that I will be reading it over again as time goes by, discovering new lines...
I will be asking again later on next month for another reading. Your definition of karma was exquisite and the interpretation of my life calmly re-assuring. Thanks."

- E.B. on from England

"Dear Michael,
Thank you for the reading. I know it will help me face life with a different perspective. This past year I was doing a lot of soul searching, and this reading really confirmed some issues within my life. I now understand myself more spiritually and look forward to having a positive vision on life. I am sure I will treasure this for years to come. Thank you,"

- K.M. on from U.S.A.

How to order your own Karmic Gifts and Lessons Reading C2.

"Karma is not a debt or a punishment, just unfinished business. Your talents and triumphs are the gifts of lessons learned in the past; your temptations and troubles are the teachers and tests for lessons yet unlearned. "
- Michael Star

Michael's reading gives a new and unique karmic interpretation of (1) your birth chart's Transpersonal Planets in their Houses, and (2) the Aspects of certain "karmic" Transpersonal Planets to the Personal Planets in your birth chart.

This "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Reading C2 may help you find your "true calling" when combined with the Career Counselor Reading C4, because our inborn talents and natural abilities often lead us to a particular choice of vocation. It may also indicate E.S.P. or psychic potential, which quite a few people have developed at an early age, but were taught to suppress.

"Gifts are for giving. Are yours being given to the world?"

This karmic horoscope reading was designed, programmed, and written by Michael Star, based on the assumption that our choices in past lives affect our character and issues in this lifetime. A fairly accurate birth TIME is essential for an accurate karma reading.

Please understand that this reading will NOT tell you WHO you were in a past life. Sorry, it will not be saying that you were some famous person or historical figure. This karmic horoscope reading reveals what Michael is calling "karmic gifts" and "karmic lessons". It's not about WHO you have been in various lifetimes, but it's about WHAT you learned or did not learn through your experiences in those lifetimes.

This reading will mention your natural talents and other "gifts" - but might also reveal some unsettling issues you may not have faced before. So please do not order your own "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Reading C2 unless you are ready to really look at your life purpose and any challenges which you have faced, or may face in the future. Please understand that this karma reading does NOT mention anything about Fate or death or "debts"; for the view of karma taken here is probably quite different than what the average North American may have been led to believe. You do NOT need to believe in past lives or reincarnation (metempsychosis) to find useful insights from the karmic horoscope readings.

Read the possible manifestations of your past life karma as they may appear in this lifetims, and you will instinctively feel which of them are relevant to you you at this stage in your life. You are the sole judge of the choices you have made in the past. No one is judging you or your choices - but the past choices you made which were not based on Truth and led to negative consequences for you and possibly for those affected by your choices will be presented again and again until you choose correctly.

It does not matter whether the choice was made in past lives or in the present one - the negative karma is created whenever you make the incorrect choice. Negative karma is not punishment, it is just "feeback" to show that you made an incorrect choice. It is just a lesson yet unlearned, and a new opportunity to choose again. When you have learned the lesson by making a wise choice, you will no longer need the negative karma to keep manifesting new situations where you have to choose again. If you happen to keep making the choices that lead to suffering, you'll be taking on more suffering than necessary - but you will still learn the lesson eventually and experience the joys and pleasures of Life which are referred to as karmic "gifts" in your reading. The purpose of this Karmic Gifts and Lessons reading is to help you identify the "lessons" that you still have not learned, so you can understand why certain kinds of situations keep coming up in your lifetime. Then you may realize how to make the kinds of choices that lead to a lesson learned, and a lesson that no longer needs to be repeated.

Think of pain as "feedback" that tells you your current choice is not the one that leads to peace or happiness or pleasure. Most people put their hand on a hot stove once during their lifetime, and quickly learn that this choice leads to pain. If your body did NOT register that sharp pain to warn you away, you would end up with a severely burned hand instead of a short pain. Some people will do it more than once before they learn to avoid doing it again. They will have more painful experiences, but still they WILL learn! And then they no longer need to experience that pain again.

Think of karma as like a course in the college of Life - once you can pass the test, you do not have to take that course again; and now you can benefit from the knowlege and skills you have learned. The negative karma is transformed into positive karma - the "gifts" you have earned through making the correct choices which are in tune with spiritual laws and based on perception of spiritual Truth instead of worldly Illusions. Choosing correctly leads to peace and joy; while choosing incorrectly leads to guilt and suffering.

See What Is Karma? and Clearing Karma

"I found the reading very informative and revealing; some aspects I was aware of, others were more sub conscious - but accurate. It has helped a great deal in looking at my actions and reactions in various situations, and has given me areas to focus on. I would order other readings in the future."
- C.H. on from Canada

Before ordering, please check the sample Karma reading for Madonna below, or for Princess Diana or Frank Sinatra or Monica Lewinsky on other pages.

Astrologers and Students of Astrology: Even if you happen to have a similar aspect between the same planets in your own birth horoscope, it may NOT be a "karmic aspect" in YOUR case, since OTHER factors in your birth chart determine whether a specific aspect is considered "karmic". Please do not make any assumptions about YOUR karma from looking at these sample interpretations.

Your Karmic Gifts Horoscope Reading C3

This Karmic interpretation of the birth chart interprets just the aspects between certain Planets in your birth horoscope which indicate "Karmic Gifts" ...the talents you were "born with" and the fortunate circumstances which may develop naturally without any particular effort on your part. You may have many - or you may have few, since some Souls choose a more difficult life to challenge them with necessary lessons. So your Reading may be only one page, or up to three pages long. This Reading is always nice and POSITIVE, never negative.

This shorter "Karmic Gifts" Reading C3 is offerred only for those who prefer NOT to look at their karmic lessons at this time. But I would highly recommend instead the $20 "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Reading C2 (including "Aspects of Karma"), which is much longer (usually 5 to 11 pages), more complete, and ultimately more useful as a guide to your personal growth and happiness. It's nice to recognize and appreciate your Karmic Gifts, but to recognize your Karmic Lessons could help you avoid unnecessary pain and suffering by making better choices that could lead to joy and happiness.

See the sample "Karmic Gifts" reading for JonBenet Ramsey, or a typical sample reading.

These karma readings can be very insightful, but please understand that they require a fairly accurate birth time because some of the astrological factors used can change significantly within the space of several minutes. If you see a particular paragraph that just doesn't seem to be relevant to your life, there is a chance that the birth time you submitted could deviate from the true time of your birth - enough to affect the calculation of one or more of the Karmic Aspects.

The fee for the six to ten-page "Karmic Gifts and Lessons Reading" C2 is only US $20 when delivered by email (by the end of the following day, holidays excepted). The fee for the shorter "Karmic Gifts Reading" C3 is US $5. Delivery is guaranteed, because your reading is emailed before you are asked to send your payment.

Remember not to order both versions, since all the information in the "Karmic Gifts" Reading C3 is included within the longer "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Reading C2.

Before ordering your own "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" horoscope reading, please look over the following sample reading for Madonna Ciccone which appears below, so you know in advance what to expect when you order your own karma reading based on your birth chart as calculated from your own unique time and place of birth.

If you do not know your birth time at all, then I am afraid I can not do this karma reading for you, unless you want to take a chance. If your time is off by two hours or more, then much of the text in this reading will change. If you know the time to within an hour or so, you could try ordering a karma reading, but you may find that you need to order a second one using an adjusted time if the first one does not seem to fit what you know about yourself.

Once I see where that birth hour and minute places certain astrological points in your birth chart - such as the House Cusps, which move about one degree every four minutes - I can adjust the time to shift them if the first time you submitted produced an inappropriate reading; and then that second reading could be the right one for you. (Please note that if you choose to try this karma reading without being sure of your birth time, then you may find you'll need to pay for a time-corrected reading too - at half the original fee.)

- Michael Star, Astrologer

ORDER-FORM for emailed Horoscope Readings.

Warning! Please Note:

If you are an astrologer or astrology student who may be using the karmic interpretations given in my sample readings to apply to your own horoscope chart, please be warned that there are some other astrological factors involved in selecting WHICH aspects in the birth chart are considered karmic aspects, and thus indicate a significant influence. It depends on the individual chart.

These special factors are considered and applied in each karma reading, and I teach how to apply these important factors in my workshops on karmic astrology; but I have chosen not to reveal all my "trade secrets" here on the Internet. So do NOT assume that an aspect which is interpreted as a karmic aspect in Madonna's horoscope reading would necessarily be a karmic aspect in your own horoscope, or in the horoscope of anyone you are advising! You may mislead yourself or others if you do.

 * The Ancient Art of Astrology & the Modern Science of Computers *

 Madonna Ciccone
 (c)1996 by MICHAEL STAR `For Amusement'  Valid TODAY 10JAN1997 FRI
 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G4S7 #K10000970110001

 The word "karma" comes from an old Sanskrit word for "action".
 Physical Laws like gravity have a BALANCING effect; so that when
 a force is exerted it is always balanced by an equal & opposing
 action.  Spiritual Laws operate in a similar way; and the Law of
 Karma is one of them.  Karma is only an impersonal effect which
 BALANCES things - it does NOT seek to punish or reward even if
 at times people see it that way.  Karmic LESSONS are your guide &
 your "feedback" -- whose effects are TO HELP YOU LEARN AND GROW.

 YOUR nJupi 26Lib24 H2
 You cannot believe in Justice unless laws are seen to be fair
 & consistent & applied equally & impartially to all.  So too you
 cannot have FAITH in the karmic LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT...unless
 it is always seen to be fair & consistent & applied universally
 & impersonally.  Finding a FAITH in a BENEVOLENT Universe -- and
 is how you learn to give up your illusions of "luck" or the blind
 belief in yourself or in the man made rules of a religious sect.

 Learning the workings of this spiritual Law of Cause & Effect
 -- that we reap what we sow or receive what we give out -- can
 be best learned in this lifetime through experiences in the areas
 of life mentioned below.  You'll learn that there is no Luck; but
 that what you give freely & generously to others will EVENTUAL-
 LY return to bless you.  You'll learn that real happiness cannot
 be achieved without working for it; and that positive thoughts &
 emotions & deeds create positive results at some time EVERY time.

 You'll be learning important lessons about the LAW OF CAUSE &
 EFFECT (what you give out you'll get back...good or bad) in this
 lifetime.  You'll learn through situations concerning...(1) your
 MATERIAL RESOURCES...where you need to develop faith in your
 ability to attract what you NEED when you need it; (2) VALUES...
 where you need to learn to trust your conscience and live by your
 own ETHICAL and MORAL VALUES; (3) TASTES & TALENTS...where you
 need to have FAITH in your own talents and TRUST in your taste.

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
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 YOUR rSatu 19Sag08 H4
 You cannot learn your karmic lessons unless you are willing
 to ACCEPT SOLE RESPONSIBILITY in creating your own karma.  Learn-
 ing that we are all responsible to universal SPIRITUAL LAWS that
 go beyond the laws of a land or of a religion is the first step.
 To accept that we are ultimately answerable to universal laws is
 to accept greater responsibility for OURSELVES.  Then we have a
 reason to CONCENTRATE on living in harmony with spiritual laws
 and making an EFFORT to WORK for spiritual--not material--goals.

 Learning to be RESPONSIBLE for ourselves and the results of our
 attitudes & actions can best be learned in this lifetime through
 experiences in the areas of life listed below.  You'll learn that
 you CAUSE your own pain & suffering when you act against spiri-
 tual laws;  that you are responsible for looking after your OWN
 needs AND the needs of others in need;  that you need to "do the
 right thing" WILLINGLY --not out of duty or peer pressure or to
 gain social acceptance & status; and to ACT on your CONVICTIONS.

 Your FAMILY LIFE (both as a child AND as an adult) and the
 FEMALES in your life (especially mothers and care-givers) are the
 focus of lessons for you in this lifetime about PERSONAL RESPON-
 SIBILITY in NURTURING & EMOTIONAL CARE.  You need to learn how
 to give emotional support and to fulfill your obligations to care
 for loved ones out of a sincere CONVICTION about what is RIGHT--
 NOT what society expects of you.  You must learn to accept PERSON-
 AL RESPONSIBILITY for your own emotional blocks & insecurities.

 YOUR nUran 12Leo42 H12
 You cannot really exercise your FREE WILL until you release any
 attachments which bind you materially or emotionally or intel-
 lectually.  You cannot exercise your right to be a UNIQUE & FREE
 INDIVIDUAL until you learn to allow everyone the freedom to be
 DIFFERENT FROM YOU; and learn to act as a free individual without
 disturbing or disrupting other individuals.  Though we act in-
 dependently we are spiritually INTER-DEPENDENT.  Realizing the
 UNITY or AT-ONEMENT of all Souls is to love others "as yourself".

 Learning to exercise FREE WILL while allowing others freedom
 to exercise theirs; and learning to act as a UNIQUE INDIVIDUAL
 while letting other individuals have different ideas and follow
 different paths; and learning that we are equal but not the
 same in our mental & physical & emotional make-up...yet united &
 identical in our spiritual nature -- can best be learned in
 this lifetime through events & experiences in the areas of life
 noted next.  You'll learn HUMILILTY & TOLERANCE--and INTUITION.

 In this lifetime you will learn many lessons about INDIVIDUALITY
 & INSIGHT & INSPIRATION & ACCEPTANCE mainly through these two
 areas of life: HELPING & HEALING ...where you need to use your
 insight & intuition to help your self and others relieve personal
 suffering in a constructive way -- through ENLIGHTENMENT and NOT
 through useless or self-destructive forms of escapism or self-
 deception;  SPIRITUALITY...where you need to learn and teach ways
 of transcending the ego -- meditation/prayer/music/dance/art...

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
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 YOUR nNept 02Sco18 H3
 Madonna, you cannot experience the ecstasy of True Love while you
 remain focused on YOURSELF or on any SELF-ISH desires.  Real LOVE
 is UNCONDITIONAL sees BEAUTY and VALUE in the Soul of
 another and seeks only to share a sense of at-oneness at a Soul
 level.  Learning to love one human being unconditionally allows
 us to extend that love to others and eventually to all humanity.
 Our search for an IDEAL LOVE is but a yearning for a feeling of
 AT-ONEMENT with a UNIVERSAL LOVE that fills us when we GIVE Love.

 Lessons in this lifetime about LOVE and BEAUTY are to be found
 mainly in the areas of life detailed below.  You need to learn
 about...LOVING even when you are not loved; seeing Beauty beyond
 mere physical appearances; feeling EMPATHY and COMPASSION with
 the feelings of others; becoming SENSITIVE to emotions in others
 and to INSPIRATIONS in your Soul and to PSYCHIC INTUITION in your
 Mind; becoming sensitive to the feelings inspired by BEAUTY in
 the arts and music; and to hold to IDEALS despite disillusions.

 You focus your HIGHEST IDEALS on --and draw your GREATEST IN-
 SPIRATIONS from-- the same areas of life:  COMMUNICATION of ideas
 & information; CONNECTING people who have common interests & seek
 similar spiritual goals; COLLECTING facts & philosophies from a
 wide variety of conversations & lectures & films & books so that
 you can be a source of ideas for those seeking spiritual insight.
 You are here to learn lessons on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE--giving with-

 YOUR nPlut 01Vir42 H12
 You cannot tap into the universal energy which manifests psy-
 chological transformations and physical healings until you have
 learned to align your SELF-WILL with Universal Will.  As you be-
 come aware you are part of one greater whole you become willing
 to act more for the Greater Good and less for personal desires.
 Learning to SURRENDER your Will to this Higher Power requires a
 willingness to RELINQUISH YOUR ATTACHMENTS to...personal power;
 control; compulsive obsessions; & defensive behaviour patterns.

 Learning to let go; to CHANGE; to FACE YOUR FEARS; to let down
 your defenses; TO TRUST; to be vulnerable; to give up the need
 to be in CONTROL; to ACCEPT ENDINGS & LOSSES; to discharge or
 TRANSFORM NEGATIVE EMOTIONS; to develop psychic HEALING power &
 diagnostic talents; to CONFRONT subconscious urges & drives; to
 surrender in the sex act; and to SURRENDER YOUR DESIRES to a de-
 sire to do what is BEST FOR ALL concerned -- these are the karmic
 lessons which are best learned in the following areas of life.

 This lifetime has been and will be a series of tests and trials
 involving your SECRET SELF:  the secret shadows of your psyche...
 HIDDEN fears/guilts/resentments from past experiences and past
 lives.  At various times in your life OLD MEMORIES WILL COME BACK
 TO HAUNT YOU;  and you will have to deal with old issues and face
 & FORGETTING.  You'll be meeting with situations which require a
 complete SURRENDER or SACRIFICE of your Will or Self-interest.

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
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 YOUR nNode 23Lib57 H2
 Your sub-conscious contains memories of past experiences in
 which you were FRUSTRATED & ANGRY at being blocked & restrained
 and this creates a driving need TO COMPETE & CONQUER or MEET NEW
 CHALLENGES and CHASE NEW GOALS.  You developed self-confidence &
 SELF-interest to the extremes of aggression and narcissism; now
 you inherit a COMBATIVE nature and a VANITY over some physical
 features.  A sense of LONELINESS haunts you.  Unconscious DESIRES
 could be strong enough to DRAIN those whose ATTENTION you crave.


 In this reality we call `Time & Space' your Karmic Lessons are
 presented according to your OWN `karmic curriculum' timed by what
 might be called a `cosmic clock' represented by the outer planets
 moving through sectors of the sky...the Houses of YOUR Horoscope.

 For some insights into your learning experiences coming up for the
 next several months get your personal `Monthly Forecast' reading F2.

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
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 * The Ancient Art of Astrology & the Modern Science of Computers *

 Madonna Ciccone
 (c)1996 by MICHAEL STAR `For Amusement'  Valid TODAY 10JAN1997 FRI
 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G4S7 #K10000970110002

 The word "karma" comes from an old Sanskrit word for "action".
 The Law of Karma is a spiritual Law described in the phrase "As
 ye sow; so shall ye reap!"  To the extent that you have "sown"
 Love by your attitudes & actions in the past (or past lives); you
 may be "reaping" the fruits of your worthwhile efforts by being
 blessed with certain gifts which seem to have just come to you at
 birth or came to you later without any effort.  These are YOUR
 Karmic Gifts.  TO KEEP THEM you must GIVE THEM to help others!

 Physical Laws like gravity have a BALANCING effect; so that when
 a force is exerted it is always balanced by an equal & opposing
 action.  Spiritual Laws operate in a similar way; and the Law of
 Karma is one of them.  Karma is only an impersonal effect which
 BALANCES things -- it does NOT seek to punish or reward even if
 at times people see it that way.  Karmic LESSONS are your guide &
 your "feedback" -- whose effects are TO HELP YOU LEARN AND GROW.

 This report attempts to put as much meaning as possible into as
 little space as possible; please think carefully about every word
 and phrase to see if it has some personal message for you.  Also
 note that this represents your blueprint for life as GIVEN AT
 BIRTH -- over the course of time you likely learned some LESSONS
 the hard way and began using the GIFTS you already earned in past
 life experiences.  NOT ALL eight items in each list will apply to
 YOU in THIS lifetime -- they are only PROBABLE manifestations.

 Paragraphs in PAST TENSE refer to PAST LIVES (maybe THIS life too).

 YOUR nSun  23Leo08 H12 sextile  YOUR nJupi 26Lib24 H2  Orb 3.2
 Through giving of yourself with GENEROSITY and without expecting
 immediate recognition or gain; you have learned that everything
 freely given expands and returns to bless you with greater good.
 By using your talents to benefit others you were rewarded with
 RECOGNITION of your talents and increased OPPORTUNITIES FOR SELF
 EXPRESSION.  You developed GOOD JUDGMENT in using opportunities
 to best advantage; and developed a PHILOSOPHICAL OUTLOOK on your
 successes & failures which gives you a benevolent SENSE OF HUMOR.

 YOUR GIFTS in THIS lifetime COULD be to experience SOME of this...
 __being a good judge of your own abilities & talents & chances.
 __having a positive philosophical outlook on successes & failures.
 __being given opportunities to express yourself and your talents.
 __having opportunities to learn & grow by travel or by foreigners.
 __bearing children who provide you with a sense of self-fulfilment.
 __having an instinct which knows when to pursue an opportunity.
 __having parents or close friends who are good-humored & generous.
 __dealing with males (or a Father) who are generous & encouraging.
 Something that has been kept supressed or secret or HIDDEN is
 likely to reveal itself at the time you need to deal with it.

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
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 YOUR rMerc 05Vir38 H12 sextile  YOUR nNept 02Sco18 H3  Orb 3.3
 In past experiences your ideas have reflected a high ideal in
 which COMMUNICATION between all persons --all mankind-- becomes
 an expression of Universal Love and Understanding.  Though you
 were often disappointed when the high expectations you had for
 others failed to materialize in their response to your inspired
 spoken words (speeches/sermons/ or acting) or your written words
 (stories/prose/plays/poems/textbooks/ or essays); you KEPT YOUR
 IDEALS ALIVE by concentrating on the CREATIVITY not the response.

 YOUR GIFTS in THIS lifetime COULD be to experience SOME of this...
 __having a creative mind which is original and often "inspired".
 __being a clever talker or even an inspired speaker or preacher.
 __a talent for writing stories or plays or poetry or song lyrics.
 __being able to gain inspiration and insight from meditation.
 __being a bit "mystical" and able to know Truth without studying.
 __having good hunches; good intuition; E.S.P. or psychic talents.
 __having an ability to translate the mystical into the logical.
 __having a sincere desire to use your wisdom for the good of all.
 The SUBconscious mind--or something similarly secretive and
 DEEPLY BURIED--is a key element here.  Something comes to light.

 YOUR rMerc 05Vir38 H12 CONJUNCT YOUR nPlut 01Vir42 H12 Orb 3.9
 You focused much of your energy into developing mental & verbal
 powers; but instead of allowing Universal Mind to guide you in
 using your INTELLECTUAL POWERS for the greatest good of all...
 you turned them towards gaining personal power or PROVING YOUR-
 SELF A BETTER THINKER AND ARGUER than others.  Instead of using
 your mental and verbal skills to help or heal others used
 them to EXPOSE OTHERS' WEAKNESS and prove your superior powers.
 You tended to be stubborn and to BLAME OTHERS for your troubles.

 YOUR LESSONS in THIS lifetime MAY be to experience SOME of this...
 __having a compulsion to compete & win; not to communicate & share.
 __being drawn into wars of wits by people who are as feisty as you.
 __feeling vulnerable & thus unable to express your own opinions.
 __being tormented or obsessed with thoughts you can't stop thinking
 __being unable to let go of anger over intellectual disagreements.
 __becoming bitter or ill over some mental conflict or frustration.
 __being prone to periods of doubt or depression or mental angst.
 __not seeing your own inflexibility causes your own suffering.
 Something that has been kept supressed or secret or HIDDEN is
 likely to reveal itself at the time you need to deal with it.

 YOUR LESSONS in THIS lifetime are to LEARN or EARN some of this...
 __having a penetrating insight and a natural talent for diagnosis.
 __being able to cut to the quick of a problem and see the source.
 __being able to discard old attitudes which become unproductive.
 __having an innate talent for research in psychology or science.
 __having a natural power to heal in the area of mental dis-ease.
 __having the power to heal using your spoken or written words.
 __being a charismatic speaker or orator; or a powerful writer.
 __having a sincere desire to use your intellect to serve mankind.

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
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 YOUR nSun  23Leo08 H12 trine    YOUR rSatu 19Sag08 H4  Orb-4.0
 We each have a duty to give of ourselves and USE our special
 talents for the benefit of mankind.  You met your obligations
 and demonstrated it by persevering in your fields of endeavour
 in spite of limitations or lack of encouragement.  Avoiding the
 urge to seek status and social calmly continued
 to contribute your talents and KEEP YOUR COMMITMENTS.  By deve-
 to continue gaining expertise in one field of self-expression.

 YOUR GIFTS in THIS lifetime COULD be to experience SOME of this...
 __recognizing inborn talents early and having time to develop them.
 __being able to continue your chosen life work for a long time.
 __being given the chance to attain a position of responsibility.
 __earning respect from your peers for your dedication & hard work.
 __finding fulfillment in your life work regardless of status & pay.
 __being able to concentrate on the important goals and reach them.
 __enjoying a secure & stable lifestyle for sustained periods.
 __having support of male mentors who teach self-discipline & duty.
 The SUBconscious mind--or something similarly secretive and
 DEEPLY BURIED--is a key element here.  Something comes to light.

 YOUR nVenu 00Leo34 H11 SQUARE   YOUR nJupi 26Lib24 H2  Orb-4.1
 In the area of PHYSICAL LOVE you developed a blind belief in your
 ability to attract admiration & affection; to be LUCKY IN LOVE;
 to win people to your side; and to succeed in the area of PERSO-
 NAL RELATIONS and PARTNERSHIPS.  You likely made some commitments
 you could not keep; expected too much of friends & lovers or else
 took them for granted;  or over-indulged in PLEASURE-SEEKING or
 SPENDING to the point of depleting your physical or financial
 resources.  You may have become cocky/boastful/vain/hedonistic.

 YOUR LESSONS in THIS lifetime MAY be to experience SOME of this...
 __being unable to see how your own errors cause relationship rifts.
 __repeating the same mistakes in your love life & social affairs.
 __expecting too much of friends or lovers; taking them for granted.
 __making promises you cannot keep to friends & family & partners.
 __being restless or non-commital in your personal relationships.
 __creating trouble by extravagance or gambling or pleasure-seeking.
 __lacking good judgment in how you choose & treat friends & lovers.
 __interacting with females who have any of the above karma.
 Your IDEALS and how you maintain your INDEPENDENCE while coopera-
 ting with others in groups & organizations are key elements.

 YOUR LESSONS in THIS lifetime are to LEARN or EARN some of this...
 __having a philosophical outlook & a sense of humour about romance.
 __having good judgment in choosing your friends & lovers...or mate.
 __being a good judge of people and their relationship potential.
 __having many opportunities for fulfilling friendship & romance.
 __learning from foreign travel or from people of other cultures.
 __knowing how much you can give & knowing how much you can expect.
 __having a good sense of humour & a friendly optimistic nature.
 __dealing with females who are encouraging/optimistic/generous.

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
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 YOUR nMoon 11Vir32 H1  SQUARE   YOUR rSatu 19Sag08 H4  Orb 7.5
 Your past pattern in providing EMOTIONAL SUPPORT and NURTURING
 to children or those emotionally dependent on you has been one of
 too little or too much.  Either you neglected your duty to give
 enough care; or you cared more about society's idea of "proper"
 care than about giving genuine loving care.  Or you were unduly
 concerned with PROPRIETY or DUTY and REPRESSED your own emotional
 responses;  or INHIBITED them in your children or those close to
 you.  You may have been overly CRITICAL of others--or yourself.

 YOUR LESSONS in THIS lifetime MAY be to experience SOME of this...
 __a difficulty (or self-doubt) in being able to love and be loved.
 __a fear of looking foolish leads to suppressed feelings & stress.
 __experiencing unexplained worry & depression over family matters.
 __taking on domestic burdens from a sense of DUTY not love & care.
 __having a parent who worries too much or nags or pushes too hard.
 __having a mother who is efficient & dedicated but distant or cold.
 __having female partners who value self-control but not affection.
 __not knowing (or losing) your own Mother;  or not seeing her much.
 How you project your personality and how other people perceive
 the impression you make on them may affect what manifests here.

 YOUR LESSONS in THIS lifetime are to LEARN or EARN some of this...
 __having a stable upbringing with regular and dependable care.
 __being emotionally self-reliant; meeting your needs from within.
 __being emotionally well-balanced; & calm/stable/mature/practical.
 __getting your sense of emotional security from within not others.
 __not being emotionally dependent on others you can be supportive.
 __being able to care for others; not from duty but from desire.
 __having female friends & partners who're stable & mature or older.
 __knowing women (or a Mother) who are maternal/dedicated/patient.

 YOUR nSun  23Leo08 H12 CONJUNCT YOUR nPlut 01Vir42 H12 Orb-8.5
 You have focused your willpower on DEFINING YOUR INDIVIDUALITY &
 form of self-expression and have likely been recognized as power-
 ful or talented or competent in one or more areas.  RECOGNITION
 may have motivated you;  but you developed a penetrating PERCEP-
 TION which warned you when your pride or need to be noticed got
 out of balance.  You learned to USE YOUR TALENTS FOR UNIVERSAL
 when you had faith that it would ultimately be best for all.

 YOUR GIFTS in THIS lifetime COULD be to experience SOME of this...
 __being able to let go of grief or anger over wounded pride or ego.
 __being able to recognize & handle any threat to your self-esteem.
 __having the self-awareness to see when self-improvement is needed.
 __knowing when to change old modes of self-expression for new ones.
 __being able to put unproductive past behaviours behind you.
 __possessing a charismatic power in your mode of self-expression.
 __changing & healing your environment with your creative ability.
 __dealing with males (or a Father) with charisma or healing power.
 Something that has been kept supressed or secret or HIDDEN is
 likely to reveal itself at the time you need to deal with it.

 Madonna Ciccone  16AUG1958 07:05 AM ST Zn 5    Bay City MI
 MICHAEL STAR 81 Lakeshore E. #51  Mississauga ON Canada L5G 4S7
 Page 4

How to order your own "Karmic Gifts and Lessons" Reading C2

"WOW! The information that you sent me was very interesting; certain points and references were VERY exact. I am definitely interested in getting a couple more charts done. The program you designed is laid out extremely well; I have seen a few different types, and they were either way out there or very cold sounding. Your points are made with clarity, but there is a real sense of warmth nevertheless.
Thank you so much... Again, I am definitely interested in one or two more charts...
You were right about my struggle with the psychic ability thing; still hard for me to take money, but that's another story for another time..."

- L. on from Canada

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81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON, Canada L5G 4S7

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