Michael Star's Horoscopes by emailReal horoscope readings based on your birth chartabout Career, Karma, Compatibility, Love, Romance in STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine ©2016 by Michael Star. |
Readings you won't find anywhere else:
Compatibility Analysis & Mating Rating C1 Karmic Gifts and Lessons C2 Career Counselor and Success Secrets C4 Romance Secrets P1 / Seduction Secrets P4 Psyche Secrets P5 / Lessons in Love P6 |
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but due to some changed conditions in my life I have not had time to do this work since 2009. In 2017 I have been updating my software so I can produce readings for you. Most are ready for sale as of October 2017. (The C1 Compatibility Anaysis with Mating Rating will be the last reading available, and is still NOT ready as of October 4, 2017.) Thank you! - MICHAEL STAR
Your Personal Horoscope Readings©1996-2017 by Michael StarThese very personal horoscope readings and birth charts use your own unique birth data - month, day, year, town, and also the exact time (if known) - to calculate your birth chart, not just your "sign". No two birth horoscopes are the same - unless two people were born at the same place at the same time!The interpretation of your birth horoscope is written in plain English in my own words and style, and is produced using astrology software I wrote myself. You order on-line and receive it by email the same or next day, so you get it quickly and without any costs for telephone calls or shipping. This lets you to obtain a personal, unique and accurate written horoscope reading at a much lower cost than a handwritten, telephone, or face-to-face reading. Your horoscope reading also provides a written record to review, discuss, or to save and refer to again at a future date. Because your personal reading is based on your natal horoscope (birth chart), it can be useful throughout your lifetime, and you may want to refer to your reading whenever it could provide helpful new insights you might have missed before. You might also want to share or swap readings with a mate, to help you understand each other better. You have probably never seen such intimate things about yourself written out in a clear and concise fashion. There are links below to pages with SAMPLE READINGS, so you can see the type of information you would be getting if you order that reading for yourself. These emailed horoscope readings in plain ASCII text can be...
Prices range from USD $5 to $30 for Readings on various areas of interest, and the "Six-Pack" offers a package of six popular $5 Readings at a 50% discount. My horoscope readings are different from the kind you see elsewhere on the Web, and are not available elsewhere. I am not selling horoscope reports generated by the same commercial software many other astrologers use, but have spent years creating my own plain-English interpretations and software. The reading you receive will be unique - and uniquely your own. Some, like the Compatibility Analysis with Mating Rating, the Career Counselor, and the Karmic Gifts and Lessons readings, provide you with certain information I have not seen available in any other type of written astrology reading, anywhere. * Compatibility Analysis with Mating Rating
What They Say
(These are unsolicited comments which clients emailed to Michael.)
Some horoscope readings make excellent fund-raising items for charities and clubs.
Some may be ordered in advance for your guests (if you obtain their birth data), and then read at a group gathering like a shower or home "psychic" party or as part of the entertainment at a company function (I also do them in person as "live entertainment" in the Toronto, Canada area).These make a great birthday gift or Christmas stocking stuffer, especially when you print them onto decorative paper stock. Or you can forward them to the recipient by email, or have me send a copy to both you and them.
Link-to: | LIST Readings | SAMPLE Readings | HOW-TO-ORDER | ORDER-FORM | Inquiries | Astrology Gift Ideas
Personal Horoscope Readings(c)1996-2017 by Michael Star
A Canadian astrologer's insights - NOT the same reports seen on other Western Astrology web sites.
All software and interpretations written by Michael Star himself, in plain English.
(Many Readings can be done using just Month/Date/Year and Town of birth, but some Readings marked ** should only be ordered when you can provide an accurate birth TIME.)
Birth Chart Interpretations:
Based on YOUR particular place in Time and Space!Your TRAITS and TENDENCIES in plain English, with no astrology jargon in the text. (But in some readings some astro data is included in title lines of certain paragraphs, so you have the option of looking up additional information by referring to Astrology text books.)
Personal Readings P1-P8
Each Reading P1 to P8 is one FULL typed page in length, on various topics
They may be ordered individually at the listed price of $5.
Check the "Six-Pack" price below for a half-price package.
All prices are in US$ (American dollars) or equal value in your currency, payable by personal check (USA, UK or Canada only); by bank draft, money order, cash (in any major currency); or Visa and Master and Discover Card (for orders of US $20 or more); or PayPal. Orders of $10 to $80 are emailed same day or next day (except Sundays). For details, please use the 2-ORDER or ORDER-FORM link on any page. You must be over age 18 to order.Love and Romance Readings
- SIX-PACK PRICE $15 - 5 Topics P1 to P5 ($25 value) plus BONUS
- +BONUS - your Natal Horoscope Chart P11 ($5 value)
(TO ORDER these Readings, specify P1, P2, etc.)
- P1: Your Romance Secrets 1 $5
Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars Signs
What you need, why you want it, how you attract it, how you pursue it.
The first Reading I designed in 1985, and still the most popular and entertaining Reading at psychic fairs and other events. It's serious astrology, but some people laugh out loud when they see what it says about their secret motives! Show this to your mate - it's an eye-opener. more
See a sample.
(If you know your exact birth time, you can order Part 2 for $5 and add much more detail to your horoscope reading with an interpretation of these five "Personal Planets" in the Houses of your unique horoscope chart.)
- P2: Your Aspects of Love $5
Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars Aspects
Your complex mix of traits and tendencies in love and love-making.
This Reading looks at the aspects (angles) these Planets make to other Planets, and interprets how they indicate various aspects of your personal love style and sensual needs. If ordering P4, get this one too. more
See a sample.
- P3: Your Relating Secrets 1 $5
Special birthdates and how you relate
How you relate/respond/react to people born near 16 birth dates which have special astrological significance for you. This lifetime guide applies to everyone you have met, or will meet. Not based on zodiac signs only, but on specific positions of the Planets in your birth horoscope. more See a sample. Also see Part 2.
- P4: Your Seduction Secrets $5
Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars Signs
Your preferred type of partner, your turn-ons, your fantasies;
plus 4 birth dates that often have a "fateful attraction" for you - at first sight! Let's just say these are secrets you might like to share with someone very close to you. more
(Ordering "Aspects of Love" P2 will add more detail to P4. If you know your birth time, get P7 for even more details.)
Must be age 19 or older to receive P4. (P8 or P6 will be substituted if necessary).
P5: Your Psyche Secrets $5
Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Saturn Signs.
Things you or your best friends might not even know about you! Psyche means Soul in Greek. It's a peek into your Soul secrets! It's serious psychological stuff, but entertaining too. Reading this has impressed even skeptics of Astrology, when they saw how it "read them" and revealed specific feelings and fears, and their greatest challenge in life. more
If you have Sun or Moon in Scorpio, you'll want this one. If not, your favourite Scorpio will want to read yours!
Click if you're intrigued.
P1-5 "Six-Pack" with P11 Natal Chart: only $15
- P6: Your Lessons in Love $5
Based on Venus: SIGN, HOUSE and Yod-points.
Adding an astrological technique seldom seen in other Readings, this one reveals what you really need to learn about Love: what you want, what you need, how you look for it, what you need to do to truly experience it.
Libras would love this! Click if you're looking for Love and want to see what this Reading looks like.
- P7: Your Romance Secrets 2* $5
Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars Houses.
This Reading adds more detail to Romance Secrets 1, because your "Personal Planets" are each in one of 12 Houses as well as in a Sign. It's uncannily accurate if you can give an accurate birth TIME, but can still give some interesting insights if you can't.
See the sample.
- P8: Your Relating Secrets 2* $5
16 more special birthdates and how you relate.
This is Part 2 of the lifetime guide to how you relate to people born on certain significant dates in any year. One of THESE dates may be the birthdate of your mate! This is based on the exact position of several Planets in your birth horoscope; it has nothing to do with generalized "Sun Signs". (Most accurate when birth TIME is provided, but almost as accurate even when birth time is not known.)
- P11: Natal Chart with Aspect List $5
Planets, Signs, House Cusps, Points, Aspects, Orbs
A basic Natal Horoscope Chart (Birth Chart) in square format and plain ASCII text for sending by email; plus a plain-text list of Planetary Aspects with Orbs, including Quintile aspects and the True Node of the Moon. This is for students of Astrology who want to know the exact Sign and degree for the Sun, Moon, Planets, Ascendant, Midheaven, True North Node of the Moon, and Part of Fortune; plus the exact Sign and degree of each of the twelve House Cusps and which Planets are in each House. The Sign on the Ascendant, also known as the "Rising Sign", changes about every two hours, so you will need to provide your hour and minute of birth to know this for certain. The sorted Aspect List (with Orbs) will save you time in figuring them all out, or serve as a check on your own calculations.
(When a Planet is located within 0.01 to 0.50 degrees of the Cusp of the next Sign (i.e. more than 29 degrees and 59.49 minutes of the Sign) you will see a "60" after the Sign's abbreviation instead of a "59" in the "minutes" position, e.g. 29PIS60. This means that the Planet at 29 degrees and "almost" 60 minutes of Pisces actually IS IN Pisces - but almost, not quite, "on the cusp" of the next Sign, which is Aries. If it actually WAS IN Aries, it would say 00ARI00.)
If an exact birth time is given, the popular Placidus system for determining Ho