
Mars Love Styles:
"Making It with Mars"

by Michael Star ©1996,2014
a Romance Astrology article in
STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine.
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Mating Rating

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How Mars in your birth chart shows how you act to ATTAIN love, affection, and anything!

Making It with Mars:
Love Styles of the 12 Mars Signs

Mars (or Ares) was the mythological God of War. The zodiac Sign containing the planet Mars in your birth horoscope represents all your drives - assertion, aggression, competition, desire, lust, and the "sex drive". It also represents your basic survival instincts - "the drive to stay alive" - so it involves things like muscles, adrenalin, and the "fight or flight" instincts. Think of Mars as your "male energy", or the "Warrior" or "Amazon" in you. Mars attains his desires by aggressively acting, like the honey bee seeks out and sucks up the sweet nectar from the colorful flowers. Mars is desire in action. Mars is passion. Mars is energy. Mars is muscle.

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L O V E * S T Y L E S - Mars

(c)1996 by Michael Star
Email Michael at:
Internet Web Site: STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine -

FIND your "Mars Mode":
Mars in the Signs of FIRE | EARTH | AIR | WATER

FIND your Sign if born |1940-49 |1950-59|

Your Star Mates Search Report lists the Venus and Mars Sign for you and your Top 5 matches, calculated from your exact time and place of birth. Find your Signs by joining the free STAR MATES Experiment.

Read: | LOVE STYLES Intro| Venus Love Styles| Your Lessons in Love| Your Romance Secrets| Your Seduction Secrets| Your Mating Rating|

Mars in FIRE SIGNS: Aries/Leo/Sagittarius

Suitors with Mars in FIRE Signs act these ways to ATTAIN love...
* active pursuer...prefer to be chooser and chaser; not be passive
* impulsive...fall in love too fast, too foolishly, too often
* passionate...very enthusiastic; very expressive about feelings
* forceful...can be assertive or aggressive in their pursuit.

Mars in ARIES acts...

* easily infatuated, then suddenly in hot pursuit
* direct and bold...makes intentions known; is never subtle or coy
* challenged...loves a new challenge; and the hard-to-get types
* competitive...loves the thrill of the chase, to win the prize
* ardent...pursues with a passion; is determined to catch you
* aggressive...may act macho or tough; might fight for you.

Mars in LEO acts...

* dramatic...courts you with a flamboyant flair; may "show off"
* romantic...sends flowers, reads poetry, stages sweet surprises
* regal...courts like a King or Queen, with an aristocratic air
* gifts and treats; maybe more than s/he can afford
* warm...acts affectionate and friendly; makes you feel worthy
* proud...acts proud to be with you; may try to "show you off".

Mars in SAGITTARIUS acts...

* to-the-point...doesn't want to waste time on games or rituals
* blunt...shares opinions, whether you want to hear them or not
* adventurous...seeks to explore many new experiences with you
* freedom-loving...wants to avoid restrictions; gives you space
* philosophical or humourous...plays philosopher or clown; laughs
* companionable...wants to pal around with you; be friends first.

Read: LOVE STYLES Intro| Venus Love Styles| Your Lessons in Love| Your Romance Secrets| Your Seduction Secrets| Your Mating Rating|

Mars in EARTH SIGNS: Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn

Suitors with Mars in EARTH Signs act these ways to ATTAIN love...
* practical...take useful steps to pursue you; are very pragmatic
* planning...make concrete plans; know your likes/dislikes/habits
* patient...will wait a long time, if that seems the best tactic
* persistent...chug along in their courtship till the ship sinks.

Mars in TAURUS acts...

* a good provider...of both material things and sensual comforts
* determined...wants you a lot and for a long time; will patiently persist
* very physical...will hug and caress; concerned for your comforts
* hedonistic...loves all sensual pleasures; likely over-indulges
* Nature-loving...seeks to get near Nature, to relax and revitalize
* possessive...may want to own you, or to remove you from rivals.

Mars in VIRGO acts...

* attentive to details...notes your preferences and caters to you
* perfectionist...wants to make everything perfect, including you
* adaptable...willing to compromise or adapt to make things work
* indispensable...becomes so helpful or useful, you depend on them
* analytical...always analyzing the relationship to improve it
* critical...sees flaws in you or the relationship, and tells you!

Mars in CAPRICORN acts...

* cool & careful...won't reveal romantic interest until you do!
* aloof...can't seem to show warmth or emotion openly or overtly
* shrewd and savvy...coolly sizes up chances and makes careful plans
* responsible...wins you by being reliable and solid and supportive
* organized...schedules the courtship, and orchestrates the moves
* material...convinces you of the practical or material benefits.

"Your ACTIONS may ATTRACT one who WOULD ACT that way!"

Read: LOVE STYLES Intro| Venus Love Styles| Your Lessons in Love| Your Romance Secrets| Your Seduction Secrets| Your Mating Rating|

Mars in AIR SIGNS: Gemini/Libra/Aquarius

Suitors with Mars in AIR Signs act these ways to ATTAIN love...
* woo with words...calls, poems, letters, declarations, want ads
* persuasive...pursue by persuading you with eloquence and reason
* interactive...get you involved in banter, discussion, and debate
* rational...act logical and unemotional, but often rationalize.

Mars in GEMINI acts like the...

* sweet-talker...has a way with words; can twist words to win you
* a clever conversationalist; loves banter and innuendo
* writer...writes notes, poems or long letters; even sends faxes
* reader...loves to share books or articles, then discuss them
* talker...loves long intimate conversations and true confessions
* phone-mate...loves long romantic calls; may enjoy Internet romances or "phone sex".

Mars in LIBRA acts...

* pleasing...acts gracious, charming, considerate, accomodating
* the partner...wants to do everything as your partner, not alone
* the listener...loves to hear you talk of events/feelings/ideas
* romantic...woos in tender, sweet, sensitive ways; sends flowers
* intimate...prefers to be alone with you, and concentrate on you
* understanding...makes you feel only s/he really understands you.

Mars in AQUARIUS acts...

* original...unique, delightfully different, inventive; shocking
* unconventional...does things in unorthodox ways; experiments
* the individual...sets own style; encourages you to "be yourself"
* nonconforming...rebels against the system, standards, or rules
* free-spirited...seeks an unrestricted, free, open lifestyle
* coolly detached...appears aloof, intellectual, or unemotional.

Read: LOVE STYLES Intro| Venus Love Styles| Your Lessons in Love| Your Romance Secrets| Your Seduction Secrets| Your Mating Rating

Mars in WATER SIGNS: Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces

Suitors with Mars in WATER Signs act these ways to ATTAIN love...
* emotional...seem to feel things deeply; react too emotionally
* sensitive...seem sweet & vulnerable; make you feel protective
* unfathomable...seems impossible to really read their intentions
* fluid...seep into your heart through weak spots in your armour.

Mars in CANCER acts...

* nurturing...cares for you and caters to your emotional needs
* mothering...babies you; pampers you; fusses over you; feeds you
* protective...makes you feel safe from harm or emotional hurts
* secure...offers a safe haven, a secure future with a nest-egg
* caring...wants to know and understand your feelings or fears
* sentimental...makes a fuss over special occasions and keepsakes.

Mars in SCORPIO acts...

* smouldering...seems to have passions ready to flare any time
* sexual...seems strongly sexual; may have "an animal magnetism"
* intense...seems single-mindedly focused on you, or what they do
* probing...seems to stare into your soul, to sense your secrets
* mesmerizing...draws you in -- so deeply you could lose yourself
* powerful...seems strong: a survivor, saviour --or slavemaster.

Mars in PISCES acts...

* secretly...may secretly want you; or seduce in a secret affair
* sweet and demure...seems sensitive and vulnerable, or coy, or shy
* soulful...seeks to share deep feelings, and to touch your soul
* self-sacrificing...serves your needs first; loses self-identity
* surreal...lives in another world; seeks to escape from reality
* spiritual...may see you as a spiritual guide; or act as yours.

"Your ACTIONS may ATTRACT one who WOULD ACT that way!"

Related articles:
VENUS Love Styles | MARS Love Styles | FIND Your Signs | What Attracts Men | What Attracts Women

Read: LOVE STYLES Intro| Your Lessons in Love| Your Romance Secrets| Your Seduction Secrets| Your Mating Rating|

FIND your "Mars Mode": Mars in the SIGNS of

FIND your Mars Sign if born | 1940-49 | 1950-59|

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Author and Address

First Published JUL 26 1996. Updated January 13 2006 11:00 EST.

(c)1996-2014 Michael Star, (All rights reserved.)
81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON, Canada L5G 4S7

(This page is copyrighted (c)1996-2007. It may be retrieved and stored electronically for personal use only, but may NOT be reproduced, sold, or distributed in any media without the express permission of the author. World-wide rights reserved.)

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