Michael Star's
Astrology Links to Nice SitesHot-Links to astrologers, astrology web sites, astrology and astronomy resources, www search services, useful services, and some interesting sites!
Link to: | Astrology Articles | FAQ: Tarot-Astrology-Numerology | Teach-Yourself-Astrology | Astrology Books List | YOUR Horoscope | Free Weekly Horoscopes | Free Daily Horoscopes | Toronto Area Astrology | HOME | Quick Site Index | Page-END |
If you have an astrology web site or homepage with information which would be interesting and useful to the readers of STAR SIGNS Astrology and Tarot Zine, or would like to recommend a suitable astrology resource, please feel free to contact Michael Star by email.
Listings and Hot-Links:
Astrology Oriented Organizations: Non-Profit Prophets!
Astrology Sites: For Fun and Profit!
Astrology Resources: Fine and On-Line!
Astrologers (Female): Women are from Venus!
Astrologers (Male): Men are from Mars!
Astronomy and Space Exploration: Outer Limits!
Software Download Sites: Be share aware!
WWW Search Services: Try these!
WWW Useful Services: I tried 'em!
WWW Interesting Sites: Some Sites to see!
Astrology Site Suggestions: Send Yours!
END of PageLink-to: HOME| What's NEW| Horoscope Readings| Teach-Yourself-Astrology| FAQ: Tarot-Astrology-Numerology| Astrology Gift Ideas| GEMs-REMs| Astrology Date-Games| STAR-MATES| MAIL-to-Michael| ORDER-FORM|
Link to: HOME-INDEX| Articles on Astrology| YOUR Horoscope| Astrology Gifts| Mating-Rating| LIVE Events| Astrology Lectures| Michael's BIO| Michael's ADDRESS
Astrology Oriented Organizations: Non-Profit
Astrology Toronto Inc. (ATI)
A non-profit association of Toronto-area professional and amateur astrologers. Beginners and students of Astrology are welcome to join in.
See their weekly lecture and special events schedule on the Toronto page at STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine.International Virtual Community of Astrology
An astrological networking service, provided by Marcus VannuZini.
Email: zini@centroin.br
Astrology Hot-Links page URL is: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/3956/zinilink.htmSpiritWeb
A megalith of a metaphysical website worth wandering in and wondering about, as you discover its many treasures. Seeker, seek and ye shall likely find it here! Maintained by Rene' Mueller.
Check the Astrology section at SpiritWeb: http://www.spiritweb.org/
Astrology Sites: Commercial
(Listed alphabetically)
Alex's Home Page
Scottsdale, Arizona USA. Email: alex@primenet.com
Links to astrology and spiritually-oriented sites. Music and graphics. http://www.primenet.com/~alex/Astro-Horoscopes, by Kevin Burk, Astrologer
San Diego, California USA. Email: kburk@astro-horoscopes.com
Consultations, email readings, and more.
http://www.astro-horoscopes.comAstrological Consulting / Altair Publications
by Edmond Wollmann, Astrologer, P.M.A.F.A.
San Diego, California USA. Email: wollmann@mail.sdsu.edu
Consultations, articles, and more.
http://www.astroconsulting.comAstroStar Astrology, by Tara Pierce
Email: tara@astrostar.com
AstroStar offers free weekly horoscopes (love, astro lotto, general), twin soul info and message board, New Age music, discount books, conferences, oracles, and more.
http://www.astrostar.comAstrologyWizard.com, by Paul Wade, Astrologer
East Sussex, UK. Email: paul@astrologywizard.com
Free zodiac screensavers, fun astrology games, free monthly forecasts, free Sun sign analyses, astrologywizard chatroom and forum too. Consulting, classes, and workshops. Readings in person, by telephone, or taped and mailed. Business consultations, baby horoscopes, relationship analysis, birth chart rectification.
http://www.astrologywizard.comThe Body Soul & Spirit Expo
Canada's Holistic & Spiritual Lifestyle Expo
Exhibitions & Conferences in Calgary, Vancouver, and Toronto. International online "search engine style" directory of products, services, practitioners and resourses for Holistic & Spiritual Life, Calendar of Events, Workshops, Seminars, and Classes, and much more!The Cosmic Palette by Haizen Paige, Vedic Astrologer
Sedona, Arizona USA. Vedic Astrology is based on East Indian traditions.
Free monthly forecasts. Personal email readings and phone consultations.
A fine astrology website with an aesthetically-pleasing yet simple design. (Haizen's a Libra)
Telephone (USA): (928) 284-3696
Email: haizen@haizen.com
Web Site: http://www.haizen.comLove Psychics
by Mari Biehn, Astrologer
Guelph, Ontario, CANADA
http://www.innerlandscapes.caLove Psychics
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
Features articles and advice from psychics, astrologers, tarot card and rune stone readers; love stories; and more. Plus an interesting free monthly email newsletter called InSights. A good information resource.
http://www.lovepsychics.comMatrix Space Interactive, by Matrix Software Inc.
A large astrology resource site with articles, large celebrity birth date database, astrology software for sale, and on-line horoscope reports.
Email: Michael@TheNewAge.com (Michael Erlewine) http://TheNewAge.comSouthern Utah Astrology and Books by John Hammelton, Astrologer
Utah USA. Email: johnk@soultrek.com
Includes some interesting articles by John, plus info on his astrology book, "The Philosophy of Astrology". John holds a Masters degree in Philosophy and writes astrological articles and forecasts.
http://www.soultrek.comStar Center, by Robert Tkoch (Helio-centric Astrologer)
Email: robert@starcenter.com
Weekly and Monthly Heliocentric Forecasts (for all Signs), with a very philosophical and often poetic style. Email and taped personal horoscope readings.
http://www.starcenter.comZodiac-X-files.com - Astrology @ Planet Zodiac: The Lost Horoscope X-Files
"Zodiac aphesis" astrology software and free birth chart analysis tips based on the lost horoscope x-files from greek, medieval and renaissance sources.
http://www.zodiac-x-files.comLink-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
Astrology Sources and Services: On-Line
Internet Atlas and Time Zone Service, by Alois Treindl
Find latitude, longitude, and time zone for any town in the world.
Web site: http://www.astro.ch/atlas/Metalog Yellow Pages
Includes National and Regional directories of astrologers.
England. Email: metalog@astrologer.com
Web site: http://www.astrologer.com/metalog/The Mining Company
This useful resource searches the Web for the best sources of information on various subjects like Astrology, and its appointed manager for the subject area publishes a Web page with descriptions of interesting sites, weekly articles, and links to useful sources and sites.
The Mining Company also operates the Astrology Web Ring and bestows a "Best of Net" award and a "Net Find of the Week" designation.
The Astrology section is maintained by Jane Arnell, who presents many interesting topics each week on the Mining Company's astrology site, and offers some good "Astrology Basics" on her personal website.
Web site: http://astrology.miningco.comMonthly Astrology on the Web
Monthly forecasts for all 12 Sun Signs, by Phil Roddy.
U.S.A.. Email: philr@cybersim.com
Web site: http://www.cybersim.com/hermesProject Hindsight, by Robert Schmidt and Ellen Black.
Reports on an ambitious project to translate ancient and inaccessable astrological writings into English for modern-day re-discovery of traditional techniques and truths.
Web site: http://www.ProjectHindsight-TGHP.comSTAR SIGNS Astrology Zine, by Michael Star, Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: michael@astrologyzine.com (Michael Star)
Free daily and weekly horoscopes, articles, Astrology FAQ, Astrology Book List with recommendations, "Teach Yourself Astrology" series, astrology links, email readings using Michael's own software and horoscope interpretations, compatibility analysis, career and karma readings, live entertainment for charity and corporate events, lectures and workshops on Astrology and Tarot, the free "Star Mates" astrological matching experiment.
Website: http://horoscopes.hypermart.net
The Weaver
Astrology, psychotherapy, holisitic healing, spirituality, religions.
http://hyperlink.com/E0020/Astrology: Signs, planets, houses and more
Mike McClain, Webmaster
U.S.A. Email: mmcclain@connect.net
Web site: http://www.astrology-numerology.comLink-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
Professional Astrologers: Female
CONSULTATIONS by Telephone or Email
Personal counselling, astrological advice, interpretations of your horoscope chart. Various services: in-person meetings by appointment, office visits, pre-arranged telephone calls to your home, telephone calls to them on their 800 number, horoscope readings recorded on cassette tape and mailed to you, readings written down and emailed or mailed to you, horoscope chart calculation, horoscope chart wheels produced by computer or by hand. Some specialize in various subjects like careers, relationships, astrological forecasting, karma or past lives; and some may use Tarot, Numerology, Psychology, or psychic abilities in addition to Astrology. Some take payments by credit card and some take personal cheques.
Why pay $3.99 a minute ($239.40 per hour) or more for an unknown 900 line astrologer and not even get a taped reading you can review later? Here are some competent and caring professional astrologers who do live astrological consultations in person, by phone or by email, for reasonable fees. Why pay so much more to support expensive TV infomercials and 900 line billing systems when you can spend less, but send much more of it directly to the caring professional astrologer whose time and talent actually provides the service you seek? Why not use the Internet for free to locate competent counselors who won't need to pay for TV infomercials to help you find them?)
Are you a professional astrologer who does consultations by telephone or email? Write Michael at michael@astrologyzine.com if you would like to be listed on a new special page which could refer many new clients to you; and also let you collect your phone consulting fee automatically by the minute at any rate you choose to set for yourself, or collect your pre-quoted fee automatically when your client opens the email containing the reading you have done for him. No 900 numbers involved - this is a new web-based service provided by a high-profile corporation, which connects you and your client over your own regular phone lines and includes the very low long-distance charges (quoted in advance) in the per-minute rate the client pays to talk to you. This is an excellent service for work-at-home and part-time consultants, and some of my astrologer and Tarot reader friends are already reporting they are happy with the way it works for them. It's available to consultants in almost all countries; and you can connect to clients from around the world, though the majority will be from the USA.(Listed alphabetically, to avoid any appearance of listing favourites first.)
Sue Armitage, Astrologer
London ENGLAND. Email: SueArmitage101@aol.comMari Biehn, Astrologer
Guelph, Ontario, CANADA. Email: mari@innerlandscapes.ca
Web site: http://www.innerlandscapes.caWendy Gorst, Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: isea@sprint.ca
Web site: http://pages.sprint.ca/astrocounselor/webpag1.htmlWendy Guy, Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: wendy@evolvingdoor.ca
Web site: http://www.evolvingdoor.caKira Ivory, Astrologer
Email: kira@sonic.net
Web site: http://www.sonic.net/~kiraLynda Hill, Astrologer
AUSTRALIA. Email: lhill@peg.apc.org
Website: yesMaryann @GlobalPsychics, Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: maryann@globalpsychics.com
Web site: http://www.globalpsychics.com
Consultations by phone or email. Secure on-line order form and 800 number.Jeri Noble, Astrologer
Sedona, Arizona USA. Email: jerinoble@circlesoflight.com
Web site: http://www.circlesoflight.com
Elna Nugent, Astrologer
Lenox, Massachussets USA. Email: elna@vgernet.net
Web site: www.signsstudio2000.comSusan Santomeri, Astrologer
USA. Email: susansan@ix.netcom.com OR susansan@aol.comAnn Shermann, Astrologer
USA. Email: ann@ann-astrology.com
Web site: http://www.ann-astrology.comIngrid Stamatson, Astrologer
New Hampshire USA. Email: altair@worldpath.netDonna Van Toen, Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: cvantoe@ibm.net
Donna's astrology books: "The Astrologer's Node Book", "The Mars Book".
Professional Astrologers: Male
CONSULTATIONS by Telephone or Email
(Listed alphabetically, to avoid any appearance of listing favourites first.)Why pay $3.99 a minute ($239.40 per hour) or more for an unknown 900-line astrologer who might be a fake? Here are some competent and caring professional astrologers who do live astrological consultations in person or by phone, for reasonable fees.
(Unless otherwise noted, all work with Tropical Astrology, also known as Occidental or Western Astrology.)
Michael Barwick, Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: mbarwick@echo-on.netRichard Brown, Karmic Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: kirtan@karmastrology.com
Phone: 416-535-1537 (Has 800- number for U.S. phone consultations).
Web site: http://www.karmastrology.comKevin Burk, Astrologer
San Diego, California USA. Email: kburk@astro-horoscopes.com
Web site: Astro-Horoscopes.
http://www.astro-horoscopes.com/Stephen Crowl, Astrologer
California USA. Email: rsc@accessone.comDuke Defaria, Astrologer
Port Credit, Ontario, CANADA. Email: kosmic@idirect.com
Mail: Kosmic Press, P.O. Box 432, Port Credit, ON L5G 4M1
Duke's astrology book: "Interceptions - Cycles of Spiritual Unfoldment".Jonathan Dunn, Astrologer
U.S.A. Email: jondunn@speakeasy.orgRobert Tkoch, Astrologer (Heliocentric Astrology)
U.S.A. Email: robert@starcenter.com
Web site: http://www.starcenter.comPaul Wade, Astrologer
East Sussex, UK. Email: paul@astrologywizard.com
Readings in person, by telephone, or taped and mailed. Business consultations, baby horoscopes, relationship analysis, and birth chart rectification.
Web site: AstrologyWizard.com
Phone Consultations: +44 (0) 1435-813479Edmond Wollmann, Astrologer, P.M.A.F.A.
San Diego, California USA. Email: wollmann@mail.sdsu.edu
Web site: Astrological Consulting / Altair Publications
http://www.astroconsulting.com/Michael Zizis, Astrologer
Toronto, Ontario CANADA. Email: michael.zizis@sympatico.ca
Phone: 416-651-0096
http://www.michaelzizis.comLink-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
Astronomy and Space Exploration
The Nine Planets.
You really should take this top-flight tour of the Galaxy. Awesome (awe-inspiring) photos and fascinating facts about Space, "the final frontier". Will wow wandering cybernauts and wanna-be astronauts.Spacezone.
View videos live from NASA TV or listen in on live audio to learn what's going on at NASA today (if you have VDOLive and RealAudio plug-ins). Learn Space History (Apollo 7/11 missions) and get some Space Entertainment.Link-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
Software Download Sites
Pretty Good Privacy. - freeware download
A freeware program that encrypts your email with a VERY secure public key encryption method. For DOS or Mac, not Win3x or Windows95.Two Cows .com - shareware downloads.
A huge software site with mirror sites to speed up your software download times.Link-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
WWW Search Services - (Recommended)
Though a relative latecomer in the search engine field, Google has quickly grown to be one of the most popular because of its fast and accurate search results, and its very large database of web site links that is more up to date than many of its competing search services. Google is the first place I go to search for information on any topic.Excite.
Excite now claims to have 50 million web pages on file and FULLY indexed, and claims its new ICE retrieval method gives the most RELEVANT results. Recently merged with Magellan. Has many site reviews and a rating system. Supports LYNX and other text-only browsers.Webcrawler.
Fast access, easy to use. Works fine with text-only browsers like LYNX. Provided by America Online and geared to the newbie and novice surfer.Northern Light Search.
A newer search service with the most relevant results! Based on a hand-picked database of real information resources. Many are searchable for free, while 1 million articles not listed on other search engines are available for a fee. Try this search service if you are tired of wading through piles of promotional plugs and p*rn pages listed in your search results. This service delivers the really relevant resources rapidly. (Two STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine pages were listed #3 and #17 in a search for "astrology" when I first found this service, so I have to admit a little bias towards using Northern Light...)Yahoo.
First search service. Fast acccess. Fussy about who they list. Keyword searches and searches by browsing subject lists too. Index of reviewed sites and many more features. Has Canadian version at http://www.yahoo.ca. The Yahoo site also offers Alta Vista searches, and links to other search services. Alta Vista URL is: http://www.av.yahoo.com.OTHER Online Search Services: (some are no longer in operation)
2ask, Aliweb, Alta Vista, Deja News, Excite, FTPSearch95, Harvest Broker, Inktomi (HotBot), Inference Find, InReference, iWeb, Jump City, Jump Point, LEO, LinkMaster, LinkMonster, LinkStar, LookUP!, Lycos, MetaCrawler, Magellan, Net Navigator, NlightN, Open Text, Pathfinder, Point Search, REX, Tradewave Galaxy, Tribal Voice, URL Tree, W5, Walking the WWW, WhoWhere?, WWWWorm, Yahoo, Northern Light.Link-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
WWW Useful Services - (Recommended)
The Easy Way to Find Link Swap Partners![]()
A Beginner's Guide to HTML.
HTML coding for those who think they can't, but could.Bank Rate Monitor
Tips on money and banking that could save you money! Info on the latest banking technology, too.The Monster Board (Career Hub).
Free resume posting, job openings from companies, 4000+ company profiles, Jobba-the-Hunt job opening notifier, job-hunting tips, articles. A surfing safari for head-hunters and a guide for hunters of the elusive employment opportunity.U.S. Gazetteer.
Just enter the name of the city and the 2-letter postal abbreviation for its State. You can also browse public information from the U.S. Census Bureau and see what's really going on.Webreference (sponsored by Athena Associates).
An excellent guide for web content developers and programmers.Xenon Laboratories Universal Currency Converter.
Foreign currency converter, using today's exchange rates. Easy to use, even on a text-only browser. Enter an amount in one currency and calculate its equivalent in any other currency. Get your money's worth!Link-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
WWW Interesting Sites - (Recommended)
World Art Treasures.
See a slide show of the Jacques-Edouard Berger Foundation collection of works of art from ancient civilizations such as Egypt, India, China, and Japan, and some classics from Boticelli and Vermeer. Learn the language of the gods from the glossary, and read a description and analysis of most of the art treasures displayed here.CyberKids.
A content-rich site that promotes creativity in children, with games, a gallery of art, MIDI compositions, a reading room, a serial story, and more. Sponsored by Mountain Lake Software Inc. See the site "CyberTeens" too.Femina.
Probably the first female-oriented directory for searching keywords that open doors to the world of women, or finding feminine or feminist sources for specific topics of interest to women, or sites created by and for women. Created by Aliza Sherman in 1995 and still a leader of the pack. Ladies, start your search engines! Gentlemen, explore new worlds and go where wo man has gone before.Envirolink.
The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization founded in 1991. EnviroLink maintains a database of thousands of environmental resources and provides internet services to non-profit organizations.Link-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
Miscellaneous Links
Self Help Source.
http://self-help-source.comWhole Wellness Club.
Natural health products and herbal remedies which serve as safe alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs with harmful side-effects.Danielle Parsons.
http://www.danielleparsons.comLink-to: | LINK-INDEX | PAGE-END | HOME-INDEX |
Sites Suggestions
If you know of a web site or homepage with information which would be useful to the readers of STAR SIGNS Astrology and Tarot Zine, please feel free to contact Michael Star by email to: michael@astrologyzine.comLink-to: LINK-INDEX | PAGE-TOP | HOME-INDEX | QUICK-INDEX |
Link-to: | HOME| What's NEW| Free Daily Horoscopes| Personal Horoscopes| Teach-Yourself-Astrology| FAQ: Tarot-Astrology-Numerology| Astrology Books List| Astrology Gift Ideas| GEMs| DATE-Games| STAR-MATES| MAIL-Michael| ORDER Readings|
Link-to: Quick Site Index| Astrology Articles| YOUR Horoscope| Sample Celebrity Horoscopes| Astrology Gifts| Mating-Rating| Astrology Date Games| Astrology Lectures| Michael's BIO| Michael's ADDRESS| Page-TOP
Last Update March 27 2008 15:30 EDT
Author and Address
(c)1997-2017 Michael Star,
81 Lakeshore East #51, Mississauga ON, Canada L5G 4S7
Email Michael at... Michael@AstrologyZine.com
Internet Web Site: STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine ...
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"Michael Star" (type INSIDE brackets OR quotation marks) as your search item. Or try entering: "AstrologyZine" AND links.
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STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine (c)1996-2015 by Michael Star
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HOME page: http://horoscopes.hypermart.net