Crystals *

Ten Healing Crystals for Men
by Karen Ryan

a Crystals article in
STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine

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Ten Healing Crystals for Men

Excerpt from: A Guide to Gem and Crystal Therapy

by Karen Ryan, Crystal Energy Therapist

Amethyst | Garnet | Jade | Rose Quartz | Smokey Quartz | Diamond | Hematite | Lapis Lazuli | Malachite | Moonstone |

Crystals and gemstones have often been worn by men as jewelry, or to decorate formal suits to signify their official or regal status in society. In ancient times polished crystals were embedded on shields for protection during battle. Carved crystal amulets offered protection from poisoned wine. Gem and crystal crafting today is still almost exclusively men's work. However, the use of precious metals and gem synthetics has slowly replaced the use of gemstones in popular men's jewelry. The use of crystals for healing was popularized in the tale of England's King Arthur with his wizard, Merlin, who lived in the Crystal Cave.

If you feel awkward about wearing crystals dangling down in front of your tie in public, and are not inclined to be an "urban shaman", here are some suggestions:

I asked a number of healers (both men and women) about what they felt were the healing issues for men. The responses are grouped as:

I have listed a selection of ten crystals and gemstones from a group of twenty-five which are useful in healing men and some of the men's issues listed above. The next crystals article will be on "Using Crystals for Healing Children", followed by "Using Crystals for Healing Pets and Animals". Please refer to my other articles on using crystals for Stress, Romance, and Women's Issues.


A "Master Healing Crystal". Also called "the Royal Stone". Amethyst's most noted healing quality is its ability to purify and transmute all forms of negativity. Get a large Amethyst cryystal cluster for your home or office to protect yourself from hostile energies around you. If anxiety causes shortness of breath, put the cluster on or near your chest and breath slowly for a few minutes to lessen the symptoms. Consider a large, well-set amethyst gemstone ring to enhance your personal magnetism and to provide mental clarity. Amethyst is also helpful for migraines, arthritic pains, and connecting to one's spirituality for guidance.


The "Sex Stone" - Garnet strengthens and restores physical and emotional energy lost through constantly ensuring the protection and welfare of others. When you feel a bit lost or abandonned in the chaos of daily life, Garnet helps to provide the needed grounding and empowering to become more decisive and committed to a direction. Garnet is well-known for enhancing and regenerating one's sexuality (the physical aspects). For best effects, tape a small half-inch piece at the Hara centre - one and one-half inches below the navel - and wear it overnight.


A "Crystal of Tranquility". Also called "the Sport Stone", promoting agility and swiftness. Many men from the Far East know the benefits of wearing Jade. Some will tell you that it is for their health, and how the colour of the Jade gets darker with good health and lighter with declining health. Jade soothes the emotions, and provides emotional detachment and restoration after various traumas such as minor surgery, divorce, funerals, or loss of job. Some say it is for good luck. Jade is a stone which is easily obtained in most city centres and can be openly worn as a pendant.

Rose Quartz

"The Love Stone" - Rose Quartz is another Master Healing Crystal that specializes in transmuting emotional negativity at all levels. It enhances one's ability to give and receive love, by opening the Heart chakra and stimulating greater flexibility in communications. It mellows out a relunctant Heart, and provides peace in relationships through harmony. Rose Quartz is used for meditation, as it stills one's aggressive thoughts and provides mental tranquility. It can heal a broken heart very quickly too.

Smokey Quartz

The "Emotional Balancer Crystal" - Smokey Quartz is a very specialized crystal for negative emotional energy. This crystal is excellent for mood swings, aggressive actions, ill temper, and generally nasty thoughts. It grounds all kinds of negative energy. This stone is helpful for burnout, fear of failure, reluctance to take risks, or wanting revenge, as well as for tendancies to over-eat, smoke or drink due to stress. It helps you accept responsibility for yourself, and to broaden your capacity for effective communication by dissolving self-limiting perceptions.


"The King of Crystals" - Diamond intensifies and activates one's internal energies through its purity of vibration. The better the quality of Diamond, the better one's own personal qualities and actions. When freely given, Diamond power becomes activated and can be used for manifesting abundance and increasing personal self-esteem. It is a token of one's love to another, and both enhances and radiates the beauty of the wearer. The Diamond is also known for invincibility, representing the life force (prana).


"The Stress Stone" - Hematite is a versatile metallic-like crystal used for enhancing one's logic, mathematical abilities, rational thinking and depth of technical knowledge. It grounds creative energy to make one's thoughts more practical and focused. As a "Stress Stone", Hematite reflects negativity back to the sender, so you don't end up with someone else's stress. For backache or leg cramps, use surgical tape to fix a few pieces onto painful areas. The crystal's energy is like a magnet and effectively draws out pain related to muscular or joint alignment problems. Hematite is also used to reduce insomnia.

Lapis Lazuli

"The Stone of The Pharaohs" - Lapis Lazuli is well-known as a favorite stone used in the courts of the ancient Egyptian Kings. Lapis means "stone" and Lazuli means "blue". This deep blue stone is used for stimulating mental strength and intellectual precision. Lapis is a consciousness elevator, raising one's awareness to new heights and to greater expansion. It brings feelings of success and connectedness and protection. For intuitive people, Lapis intensifies psychic power.


"A Man's Stone" - The deep forest green of Malachite is symbolic of the deep healing and cleansing this stone provides. It can aid in breaking down old patterns, whether emotional (stuck patterns of behavior) or physical (tumors, swollen joints, muscular). Malachite promotes business relationships and the increase of wealth by removing obstacles to one's growth. The most important aspect of this crystal's healing ability, however, is for the preventive health of the physical heart and liver. If you are attracted to this crystal, chances are you have a family history of heart-related problems and probably need a heart check-up.

Moonstone (Adularia)

"The Feminine Balancing Crystal". To soften and balance dominant male attributes with some feminine qualities, Moonstone provides for a depth of perception and feelings, discernment, creativity and self-expression. Other properties of Moonstone - increases awareness and focus, releases one's intuition, has rejuvenating qualities for the skin and hair (baldness?), reduces water retention, and provides protection for travelers. Moonstones increase their powers before and during the full moon, so leave them out at night to soak up the moon's rays.

Also see Three Steps to Crystal Healing which will tell you more about what to expect from healing with crystals. Your commitment to the crystal is part of the healing process. Let the crystal do the work for you. Select your crystal with an honest outlook on the problem.

Contact me if you feel you could benefit from a personal crystal consultation.

For further information or a brochure about certified Crystal Healing Workshops in the Toronto Area, please contact:

Karen Ryan, Crystal Energy Therapist

Karen Ryan, Crystal Energy Therapist,
Mississauga, ON,
Telephone (905) 855-2301.


Content copyright ©1998 Karen Ryan, The Crystal Tiger, Mississauga, ON, Canada. All rights reserved.

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STAR SIGNS Astrology Zine was published on www JUL 26 1996.
This page published on www MAY 20 1998 23:00 EDT.
Last update February 20 2006

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©1998 by Karen Ryan, Author (All rights reserved).
©1998-2017 by Michael Star, Publisher.
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